Blame yourselves, commies.

Democrats, socialists, communists, and progressives (but I repeat myself repeatedly) are now screaming, in the wake of the RBG…er…RPG that’s been fired into their ranks, that the Senate must not consider any Supreme Court nomination before the election.  They base this off Cocaine Mitch’s refusal to consider Barack Obama’s last attempt to nominate a Supreme Court justice just prior to Obama going out of office in January 2017.  But the situation is completely different.

  • First of all, the obvious:  Trump, not currently term-limited as Obama was, may (probably will, at this point, but don’t get cocky) be re-elected.  So why wait to fill the vacancy?
  • Second, we may need that vacancy filled stat, if the election is close enough — close enough for the Democrats, et al., to cheat, that is.
  • Third, the Democrats, et al., don’t have the votes to stop it.  They don’t (currently) control the Senate.  (Of course, they might be able to flip some GOP squishes, but the GOP squishes need to consider what their situation is going to be if Trump is re-elected.  Because after the election, Trump will have more flexibility (where have we heard that before?), and the squishes may find themselves out in the cold.  My attitude is the GOP stalwarts need to put some spine into the squishes…and make it clear that they’re going to be considered second-class senators without any support for anything they want for the next four years if they don’t get with the program.  If I were the GOP, I’d be laying plans to replace these assholes ASAP anyway.
  • Finally, if you think the Democrats wouldn’t take advantage of a situation like this, you’re smoking something funky and need to lay off the THC.

Quite frankly, if Trump is re-elected and doesn’t invoke the Insurrection Act immediately after, I’m going to be sorely disappointed.  But that’s another story and a post for another time.