Didn’t want this to go to waste

I was pretty sure we were OK after a couple of hours Tuesday night, especially after Lara Trump’s vote purity brigade threatened to sue to start the counting again in a PA county that had stopped, ostensibly for the night, and they backed down immediately and started counting again…

…but I had made this up a couple of weeks ago and really didn’t want it to go to waste.  Enjoy!

I didn’t watch the debates.

There was no point.

The odds were stacked in favor of Kamala. People are saying today that she must have known the questions in advance. Well, duh. Everyone involved in the production was doing anything they could to ensure a “win” for her. And the fact is, she’s so ridiculously, simperingly stupid, there’s no way she could stand in front of a panel and answer substantive questions about the last four years and the four years ahead. She was probably lucky to answer what she’d been prepped for.

The man who has been asking those questions, and putting forth solid policy ideas, was in the crosshairs last night.

People are also complaining that he didn’t ask until the last few minutes why Kamala hasn’t already done the things she’s saying she’ll do for the past 3-1/2 years. (She was Vice President, you know. I realize it was difficult to tell.) But I don’t think waiting till the end of the program was wrong for that question to be asked. Every great entertainer knows you always leave ’em laughing. And every great politician knows you unload your heaviest artillery at the end, so it makes a big splash on impact.

The one good thing about last night is it will likely be the death knell for presidential debates, unless the people who run them smarten up and understand they are literally doing the country an injury by their lopsided concept of “fairness”. But they won’t do that, because they’re all in for the United Communist States of America under the Uniparty represented last night by Kamala.

Thing is, the smart people are already ignoring them. It wasn’t even worth watching for the popcorn and shots every time Kamala lied. (I wouldn’t be at work this morning, and probably would be dead from alcohol poisoning; I don’t know how people like Stephen Green and Tony Katz do it. Stainless-steel livers, I suppose…)

Trump is saying he’s not going to do another debate. I agree. There’s no point. They’re nothing but 100% all-in political ads for his opponent. Take the modern incarnation of political debates out behind the barn and kill them with an axe, as P.J. O’Rourke would likely have said.

Um, I dunno…

Doesn’t this sound like incitement to insurrection?  By the Democrats’ own rules…if it sounds like insurrection, it must be insurrection.  Right?

Hey, FBI, you might want to investigate this sports journalist who thinks he’s a political pundit.

If Trump is said to “underperform” in Iowa, be sure to look at the actual numbers

From The Washington Times, via RealClearPolitics:

In case you weren’t already aware, the fix is in. Before the first ballot has been cast, the media have already written their headlines for the Iowa caucuses: “Trump underperforms in Iowa.”

According to the Real Clear Politics polling average, former President Donald Trump leads the field with over 52%, ahead of his closest rival by a whopping 36 points. FiveThirtyEight has a similar polling average, putting him at just over 51%, with a lead of 34 points.

That’s a substantial margin, with plenty of room for underperformance. But let’s look at things from a broader historical perspective.

Since 1976, the biggest “landslide” in the Iowa Republican caucuses (excluding elections with a Republican incumbent) came in 1988, when Sen. Bob Dole amassed 37% of the vote and won by 12 points over televangelist Pat Robertson. In many contested elections of that period, Iowa has been decided by 3 points or less, reflecting the intense independence of Iowa caucusgoers.

Iowans pride themselves on making up their own minds, and they take their responsibility as the first state on the election calendar very seriously. They do not just go with the flow and rubber-stamp the national mood.

Mr. Trump is poised to win Iowa, and the victory may be a historic landslide. Even if he severely underperforms his polling lead, he’s still likely to outpace Dole’s record-setting margin. In this case, underperforming should count only if Mr. Trump comes below Dole’s historic 12-point margin ahead of the next closest finisher.

But that’s not the standard to which the media will hold him.

This is what the Left gets for pissing off the American public.  As we have said for years, progressives won’t like living under their new rules.  And they’ve all but martyred Trump to the point where his landslide is going to eclipse Reagan’s.

And if it turns out I’m wrong about that, it will be because the Left has frauded yet another election just like they did 2020.

Remember: Pinochet did nothing wrong.

“Null-ABC” was not intended as an instruction manual.

Blue-State Disaster: Oregon Gov Signs Bill Allowing Students to Graduate Without Knowing How to Read or Write

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon has signed a bill into law that allows students in the state to graduate from high school without having to prove they know how to read, write or understand math.

The Oregonian reported that Brown signed Senate Bill 744 on July 14 with no news release and without informing anyone outside of her office about her decision to sign the legislation.

The new law says that “a student may not be required to show proficiency in Essential Learning Skills as a condition of receiving a high school diploma during the 2021-2022, 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 school year.”

It also requires that the state Board of Education “[r]ecommend changes in legislation or administrative rules that will reduce disparities and ensure that every student will be on track to earn one of the high school diplomas offered in this state.”

The bill equates to a multiyear suspension of current graduation requirements.

They want illiterate idiots who will be compliant because they know no other way.

Face it, if you can’t read the Declaration, or the Constitution, or any of our other founding documents, how do you know you have certain rights that the government can’t infringe or take away? Because under this new regime, your teachers will be forbidden to teach you that.

This is not about equity; this is about subjugating the upcoming generations to the control of the soi-disant elites, who are not worthy to spit-shine my patent leathers.

I’m deadly serious about the Null-ABC reference I made in the title. If you’ve never read it before, read it now while you still can.

Look — just do it, already.

Get off Facebook, now.

Zuck the Fuck is working for the Neu Stasi.

If you’re a friend of mine and you’re still subjugating yourself to the Thought Police over there, whether or not you have friends, family, or businesses on FB, the time has come to say goodbye.

Just walk away.

Because you’re not the customer — you’re the product.

And we’d be happy to have you over on MeWe, where it doesn’t work that way, at least not yet.

Joe Biden is the greatest threat to the American Republic.

Apparently Joe Biden (the illegitimate Resident [sic] of the United States) is now making mouth noises about how Republican election integrity efforts are the greatest threat in our nation’s history.

Kruiser, in his Morning Briefing at PJ Media, turns this around on Biden and says he’s the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.  I disagree.

I would counter-argue that Joe Biden is, in reality, the greatest threat to American democracy since Woodrow Wilson, who started the country on the path to authoritarian fascism (but I repeat myself).  If you’re not aware that Woodrow Wilson was a proto-fascist who made Benito Mussolini swoon and want to bear his children, you should probably read Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism (2009), which is the last thing Jonah seems to have written while he was still marginally sane and still at least nominally on WFB’s leash (WFB died in 2008).

And by the way, we’re not a democracy, we’re a democratic republic, but whatevs.  The only time this country is a democracy is on Election Day, and frankly, we blew the last one.

At any rate, and getting back to Kruiser’s allegation, IMHO the Civil War in and of itself neither challenged nor threatened democracy, despite the claims of so many folks that certain of Lincoln’s actions (like the suspension of habeas corpus) did great damage to it. What it did do was result in 600,000 casualties and millions of dollars of wasted treasure that nobody seems to want to take into consideration when the modern communist left screams about “slavery reparations” for people who have never been enslaved.

Moreover, the main problem is not Biden himself, but Biden’s handlers — “Doc” Jill, Kamalalala, Ron Klain, etc. —  who are all nothing more and nothing less than communists of the first water.  Biden has no more idea of what he’s doing than a turnip.  In fact, a turnip may have more sense of things.

So let’s call a spade a spade (if we still can, since that’s probably considered “racisssss”), and just accept the fact that the communists’ Long March has, over the last 100 years since Wilson, pretty much screwed up how we do things in this country.  The Founders and the Framers would be appalled.  In fact, we should probably hook their graves up to the power grid; I’ll bet they’d solve any power shortages caused by socialists and communists in the blue states in jig time (which is probably also “racisssss”).

For anyone who thinks this post is “racisssss”, you should read the rest of this blog.  And my fiction.  Because then maybe you’d drop dead of a conniption, commie.

Our Independence Day

(Riffing a bit on Bill Pullman’s immortal line, of course.)

My own little insurrection:

We came home from Fort Wayne last night around dinnertime, so we decided to stop at a pizza joint about a mile from home to pick up some of their delicious bread sticks to go with frozen pizza we were going to have for dinner.

Sign on door: “No Mask Needed if Vaccinated.”

Rather than say, “fuck you”, turn on my heel, and go back to the car, I just fucking walked in. Screw ’em. I wanted my bread sticks (they make the best ones around IMHO), and they can’t legally demand my vaccination status. Which as anyone around here knows, is “negative”, because I refuse to take the fucking poison jab, and if you’re vaccinated, I can’t infect you anyway. (Or so the common wisdom goes; since the jab isn’t actually a vaccine, the idea is you’re only supposed to be able to get a mild version if you do get infected. Which seems unlikely since we’ve been at herd immunity levels for months.)

We were in Fort Wayne (as noted) almost all day yesterday, and the place is reopened — no masking signs, just a few social distancing signs (more of a “Please consider” as opposed to “We order you”), most of the floor stickers indicating a six-foot separation are gone, etc. Ate in the dining room at a Wendy’s for lunch. (As far as I know, all the fast food joints around here are still closed for indoor dining.) That’s only the second time I’ve eaten in a restaurant since March 2020, because Indianapolis is still being asshole about it (plus, half the places can’t find people to work because of the continuing government incentives not to). The other restaurant I’ve eaten in since March 2020 was a place in Brownsburg, which is just west of the Marion County line and thus not under the edicts and orders of the Indianapolis Supreme Soviet, er, City-County Council, and our abysmal wanna-be-totalitarian mayor. That was a couple of weeks ago, and all they had out was a sign that said, “Please don’t come in if you have these COVID-19 symptoms” and a list of about a dozen symptoms.

It’s over. Just like the Bidet mal-administration is going to be over. People are done listening to people claiming to be their betters and experts in all things.

In a week’s time, we need to let the assholes know, loud and clear: July 4 is OUR Independence Day from bullshit rules, regulations, and idiot “experts”.

And Bidet and the rest of the traitors can stuff their “no fun” plans right up their collective ass.