Hillbillies rock.


Full text for those without X:

“So, Dad, how did the Left finally get defeated in America?”

“Well, son, this NY real estate developer ran for President. Three times actually. Won all three times, but that’s a long story. And the Left tried to kill him. I saw it with my own eyes on July 16. Somewhere along the way a South African spaceman headed to Mars bought the internet. Then a hillbilly became Vice President and just nuked lib members of Congress and commie journos until we licked them all. You had to see it. He was a poaster, if there ever was one. One of the greatest.”

Didn’t want this to go to waste

I was pretty sure we were OK after a couple of hours Tuesday night, especially after Lara Trump’s vote purity brigade threatened to sue to start the counting again in a PA county that had stopped, ostensibly for the night, and they backed down immediately and started counting again…

…but I had made this up a couple of weeks ago and really didn’t want it to go to waste.  Enjoy!

This administration is sickening.

If this were a Republican administration, the party would have no hope of re-election given the recent FEMA disclosures. Everyone from the top down would be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison.

FEMA’s out of money? Hmm. Hey Congress, you’re not averse to increasing debt by the tonload, why aren’t you voting for emergency disaster relief right now?

The investigation into FEMA money going to pay for illegal immigrants can wait till the new administration. But people need to go to jail. All the way to the top. And that’s not persecution of political opponents — that’s prosecution of actual illegal actions by people in high office.

At minimum, Joe should be sent to a nursing home for the rest of his life. Kamala should be breaking rocks in Leavenworth for the rest of hers. And down the line it should go.

We have the worst politicians in our history. And probably in all of history. Everything they do is intended to harm the people of this country and this country’s image in the rest of the world. Hang them or Pinochet them all. They don’t deserve to breathe the air of freedom.

I didn’t watch the debates.

There was no point.

The odds were stacked in favor of Kamala. People are saying today that she must have known the questions in advance. Well, duh. Everyone involved in the production was doing anything they could to ensure a “win” for her. And the fact is, she’s so ridiculously, simperingly stupid, there’s no way she could stand in front of a panel and answer substantive questions about the last four years and the four years ahead. She was probably lucky to answer what she’d been prepped for.

The man who has been asking those questions, and putting forth solid policy ideas, was in the crosshairs last night.

People are also complaining that he didn’t ask until the last few minutes why Kamala hasn’t already done the things she’s saying she’ll do for the past 3-1/2 years. (She was Vice President, you know. I realize it was difficult to tell.) But I don’t think waiting till the end of the program was wrong for that question to be asked. Every great entertainer knows you always leave ’em laughing. And every great politician knows you unload your heaviest artillery at the end, so it makes a big splash on impact.

The one good thing about last night is it will likely be the death knell for presidential debates, unless the people who run them smarten up and understand they are literally doing the country an injury by their lopsided concept of “fairness”. But they won’t do that, because they’re all in for the United Communist States of America under the Uniparty represented last night by Kamala.

Thing is, the smart people are already ignoring them. It wasn’t even worth watching for the popcorn and shots every time Kamala lied. (I wouldn’t be at work this morning, and probably would be dead from alcohol poisoning; I don’t know how people like Stephen Green and Tony Katz do it. Stainless-steel livers, I suppose…)

Trump is saying he’s not going to do another debate. I agree. There’s no point. They’re nothing but 100% all-in political ads for his opponent. Take the modern incarnation of political debates out behind the barn and kill them with an axe, as P.J. O’Rourke would likely have said.

The lies are flying thick and fast

Lie #1:  Governor Abbott is defying the Supreme Court by continuing to have the Texas State Guard patrol the border and keep illegals from crossing.

Lie #2: We need more law to prevent illegals from crossing the border.

Lie #1 is easily disproved by reading the order from the Court, which states only that the temporary restraining order preventing the Border Patrol from cutting the razor wire and removing other impediments placed by the Texas State Guard has been vacated.  The order says nothing about Abbott not being allowed to use the Texas State Guard to prevent border crossings.  Because frankly the State of Texas has every reason to want to secure the border, and the Court isn’t going to get into that.

Lie #2 is easily disproved by the fact that Biden vacated Trump’s EOs regarding the Wall and other features of border security the day he took office.  All Biden has to do is admit that Trump was right, and re-institute Trump’s border EOs.  He needs no new law to do this, and to claim he wants a tit for tat of more throwaway funding for the Ukraine debacle before he’ll sign new law to secure the border is a load of stinking fecal matter that probably originates in his own Depends.

The fact is that the Democrats want millions of illegals crossing the border.  They are following the hoary dictum of “if your electorate is refusing to support your programs, you need to replace them with a new electorate” (which is a massive paraphrase but that’s what it comes down to).

The problem is, Abbott saw that bullshit and raised it by sending busloads of illegals to the so-called “sanctuary” cities, who immediately proved they were interested only in virtue signaling when it came to providing said sanctuary.  The reality hit quickly as their money started going down that rat hole instead of the usual rat holes they wanted it to go down.  New York’s mayor is panicking, and closer to home, Chicago is starting to feel pressure from its black community, who are not amused about having to deal with thousands of illegals being bused into their neighborhoods.

Want to fix the border crisis, Joe?  Close the fucking border.  You already had authority and budget to do that.  Just fucking do it.

The fact is, nobody on the left really wants to close the border.

“Democrats delenda est.”  The left must be destroyed, utterly.  There is no other path but through at this point.

Joe Biden is the greatest threat to the American Republic.

Apparently Joe Biden (the illegitimate Resident [sic] of the United States) is now making mouth noises about how Republican election integrity efforts are the greatest threat in our nation’s history.

Kruiser, in his Morning Briefing at PJ Media, turns this around on Biden and says he’s the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.  I disagree.

I would counter-argue that Joe Biden is, in reality, the greatest threat to American democracy since Woodrow Wilson, who started the country on the path to authoritarian fascism (but I repeat myself).  If you’re not aware that Woodrow Wilson was a proto-fascist who made Benito Mussolini swoon and want to bear his children, you should probably read Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism (2009), which is the last thing Jonah seems to have written while he was still marginally sane and still at least nominally on WFB’s leash (WFB died in 2008).

And by the way, we’re not a democracy, we’re a democratic republic, but whatevs.  The only time this country is a democracy is on Election Day, and frankly, we blew the last one.

At any rate, and getting back to Kruiser’s allegation, IMHO the Civil War in and of itself neither challenged nor threatened democracy, despite the claims of so many folks that certain of Lincoln’s actions (like the suspension of habeas corpus) did great damage to it. What it did do was result in 600,000 casualties and millions of dollars of wasted treasure that nobody seems to want to take into consideration when the modern communist left screams about “slavery reparations” for people who have never been enslaved.

Moreover, the main problem is not Biden himself, but Biden’s handlers — “Doc” Jill, Kamalalala, Ron Klain, etc. —  who are all nothing more and nothing less than communists of the first water.  Biden has no more idea of what he’s doing than a turnip.  In fact, a turnip may have more sense of things.

So let’s call a spade a spade (if we still can, since that’s probably considered “racisssss”), and just accept the fact that the communists’ Long March has, over the last 100 years since Wilson, pretty much screwed up how we do things in this country.  The Founders and the Framers would be appalled.  In fact, we should probably hook their graves up to the power grid; I’ll bet they’d solve any power shortages caused by socialists and communists in the blue states in jig time (which is probably also “racisssss”).

For anyone who thinks this post is “racisssss”, you should read the rest of this blog.  And my fiction.  Because then maybe you’d drop dead of a conniption, commie.

Cancel the 4th, Cancel Biden.

Fuck you, Resident Biden.  (Not a typo.)

Biden Threatens To ‘Cancel’ July 4th If Americans Refuse To Get Coronavirus Vaccine

You don’t have the authority or the power.  You cheated your way into the White House.  It will need a thorough sanitizing and fumigating when you’re finally thrown out of it.  I find it amazing the grand old place hasn’t simply fallen in on you; I wouldn’t blame it.

You are a cad, a jerk, and a serial plagiarist.  Even your dogs don’t like you.

You are a boil on the ass of the American Republic,

Hie thee hence, criminal.  We don’t want you and we don’t need you.

Fuck you in places nobody’s thought of before.

And the Congress you rode in on, too.

The new Intolerable Acts

Government by E.O. is not government.

And I say that as one who applauded most of Trump’s Executive Orders.  Because most of Trump’s E.O.s fixed actual problems (OK, OK, the bump stock E.O. was an own goal) while not attempting to go around Congress to make new law.  You’ll notice he didn’t issue an E.O. repealing the ACA after John McCain traitorously blindsided him.  That’s because he knew he couldn’t do that.

Creepy Uncle Pedo Joe, on the other hand…

The new Executive Order signed on April 15 (what a great day to sign anything that takes Americans’ rights away) is entitled Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian FederationBut as the American Thinker points out,

Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government.

The Biden administration unilaterally makes the determination and requires neither criminal acts nor intent. The punishment is blocking assets and a prohibition on any dealing with the accused person. Spouses and adult children of individuals found guilty by accusation under this EO are punished, too.

Yeah, spit on the Constitution some more, Creepy Uncle Pedo Joe.

And it wouldn’t be a Joe Biden E.O. without added new plagiarism:

Some of the language in this EO borrows from another: EO-13224 – Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism. George W. Bush signed EO-13224 on September 23, 2001, in response to 9/11.

However, Biden’s EO is as similar to Bush’s EO as an atomic bomb is to a sniper rifle. Bush’s EO targeted financing terrorism. It defined terrorism clearly and narrowly. It minimized legal jeopardy to US persons. It did not strip away the standard for criminal liability requirements of action and intent. It did not target spouses or children of accused individuals. Additionally, Bush made a legally meaningful promise to use it with due regard to culpability and the Bush administration used it with restraint. Even so, Democrats criticized it harshly, opposed it, and fought it in courts.

In contrast, Biden’s new EO is directed mostly at US persons. It criminalizes speech and political activities, based on whimsical and arbitrary definitions. The Biden administration can define “malicious activities,” “democratic processes or institutions,” and the activities that undermine them as it wants.

I encourage you to click the link above and go read the whole thing.

But the fact is, these E.O.’s are unconstitutional on their face.  They set out penalties for actions that are Constitutionally-permissible and rest under the wide banner of free speech.

Moreover, they create penalties in law without the consent of the Congress (though I’m sure that consent would be forthcoming, given the razor-thin majorities held by the traitor progressives in both houses).  The fact is, Congresscritters don’t want to touch this sort of thing with a ten-foot pole, or a six-foot Russian, either.  If they can’t guarantee a win for their party in a given district, they run too much risk of losing enough seats in 2022 to not just overturn those razor-thin majorities, but to possibly create veto-proof majorities as well.  (Though I suspect the latter is pie in the sky; after all, Dominion still dominates.)

We revolted against George III for less, and we wrote protections into the Bill of Rights to prevent precisely this sort of governmental tyranny.

So I have to say, I’m wondering when the next Shot Heard Round the World will be fired.  And when the Boog will officially start.

The Biden E.O.s are the new Intolerable Acts.  And once upon a time, we proved we wouldn’t tolerate them.

If not now, when?

The day-drinker is off her rocker.

‘I’m A Street Fighter’: Pelosi Says She Would Have Fought Capitol Rioters

Yehshureright.  I think it’s more like this, granny:

Or maybe this:

Democrats sure are violent, aren’t they?  Almost like the Brown Shirts they want to impose on us, though in Pelosi’s case, it’s probably more like Brown Sharts.

No, I don’t have any respect for Congress.  Why should I?  I would wear a charge of “Contempt of Congress” as a badge of honor.

Fuck Congress.  (Not literally.  Ewww.)