Didn’t want this to go to waste

I was pretty sure we were OK after a couple of hours Tuesday night, especially after Lara Trump’s vote purity brigade threatened to sue to start the counting again in a PA county that had stopped, ostensibly for the night, and they backed down immediately and started counting again…

…but I had made this up a couple of weeks ago and really didn’t want it to go to waste.  Enjoy!

This administration is sickening.

If this were a Republican administration, the party would have no hope of re-election given the recent FEMA disclosures. Everyone from the top down would be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison.

FEMA’s out of money? Hmm. Hey Congress, you’re not averse to increasing debt by the tonload, why aren’t you voting for emergency disaster relief right now?

The investigation into FEMA money going to pay for illegal immigrants can wait till the new administration. But people need to go to jail. All the way to the top. And that’s not persecution of political opponents — that’s prosecution of actual illegal actions by people in high office.

At minimum, Joe should be sent to a nursing home for the rest of his life. Kamala should be breaking rocks in Leavenworth for the rest of hers. And down the line it should go.

We have the worst politicians in our history. And probably in all of history. Everything they do is intended to harm the people of this country and this country’s image in the rest of the world. Hang them or Pinochet them all. They don’t deserve to breathe the air of freedom.

I didn’t watch the debates.

There was no point.

The odds were stacked in favor of Kamala. People are saying today that she must have known the questions in advance. Well, duh. Everyone involved in the production was doing anything they could to ensure a “win” for her. And the fact is, she’s so ridiculously, simperingly stupid, there’s no way she could stand in front of a panel and answer substantive questions about the last four years and the four years ahead. She was probably lucky to answer what she’d been prepped for.

The man who has been asking those questions, and putting forth solid policy ideas, was in the crosshairs last night.

People are also complaining that he didn’t ask until the last few minutes why Kamala hasn’t already done the things she’s saying she’ll do for the past 3-1/2 years. (She was Vice President, you know. I realize it was difficult to tell.) But I don’t think waiting till the end of the program was wrong for that question to be asked. Every great entertainer knows you always leave ’em laughing. And every great politician knows you unload your heaviest artillery at the end, so it makes a big splash on impact.

The one good thing about last night is it will likely be the death knell for presidential debates, unless the people who run them smarten up and understand they are literally doing the country an injury by their lopsided concept of “fairness”. But they won’t do that, because they’re all in for the United Communist States of America under the Uniparty represented last night by Kamala.

Thing is, the smart people are already ignoring them. It wasn’t even worth watching for the popcorn and shots every time Kamala lied. (I wouldn’t be at work this morning, and probably would be dead from alcohol poisoning; I don’t know how people like Stephen Green and Tony Katz do it. Stainless-steel livers, I suppose…)

Trump is saying he’s not going to do another debate. I agree. There’s no point. They’re nothing but 100% all-in political ads for his opponent. Take the modern incarnation of political debates out behind the barn and kill them with an axe, as P.J. O’Rourke would likely have said.

Do you like conspiracy theories, bro? (and sis)

Here’s a good one for you, straight from the fever dreams of the lovely and talented Sarah A. Hoyt, the Beautiful But Evil Space Princess who commands her Hordes of Huns.

(All sales final.  No money back.  Buyer beware.  Your mileage may vary.  Offer good only in the State of Inebriation.  Etc.)

Told By An Idiot

Seriously, I do love Sarah to pieces and she’s a lot of fun to watch moderate a panel on Dystopias when she doesn’t actually care much for that genre…

This is the only thing to be proud of in June

Seriously, folks, your sexual preferences have absolutely nothing to do with pride.  Frankly, it’s a Flag Day for people to start waking up and smelling the coffee.*

The thing to be proud of is your country.  Yeah.  It’s a little tough to do right now, with the worthless sacks of shit that are running it, right up to the Commander of Pantloads of Shit himself, but I had a sort of an epiphany today while thinking about the Masonic Ceremony of Seven Toasts.

I’m sure you are all sitting there thinking, “WTF has that got to do with pride in one’s country?”  Hang on a mo’, I’ll tell ya.

You see, the Ceremony of Seven Toasts came to us in the States from the British Freemasons.  One of their toasts was, of course, to the King or Queen.  Which makes sense.  Because British folks are subjects and they owe fealty and allegiance to the monarch, which is sort of the same as saying to the country, because the monarch is the country.  Sort of.  Even if the monarch is only a constitutional figurehead.

So we took that on in the US and since we don’t have a monarch, we substituted the President (or sometimes, the President and the Congress).  However — that’s wrong.  Because the toast is supposed to be to the entity to whom (or which) you actually owe that fealty and allegiance.

And I got news for you.  In the US, that ain’t the President, and it ain’t the Congress, either.  They’re functionaries We The People sent to Washington DC to do our bidding.  That they don’t is pretty sad, and probably rises to treason, and thus deserves hanging by neck until dead, but that’s not what I’m here to discuss.

Growing up as a kid in this still-great nation, I was taught my allegiance was to the Flag Of The United States Of America, and to the Republic For Which It Stands.  Because we don’t pledge allegiance to anything else.  It would be silly to do so — because in the United States, every person is a sovereign.  We The People govern ourselves, and for the things we can’t do every day, we elect and appoint other people to do them for us.  But we don’t pledge allegiance to them, we expect them to do as We The People tell them to do.

In other words, nobody told Crusty Joe Biden to sell out to the fucking Chinese.  But he did and we’re stuck with him for a bit till we sort that shit out.

This is something we need to remember as this fraught season of electoral hi-jinks is forced upon us.  We declared independence from a king who was being an asshole to us (the same king the Brits toast today, just a newer version of him).  We’re never going to toast that guy, just like (even as much as we thought of his mother) we never toasted his predecessor.  And we should not be toasting the President, or the Congress, or any other piece of government we’ve set up to do our will and which has subsequently turned on us to force us to do its will.  Screw that.

We should be toasting the Flag and the Republic.  And then we can all come together again as citizens of a great nation and tell our political functionaries to start doing as they’re told, or get the fuck out.

Rainbow flags, feh.  Toss ’em in the trash along with the U.N. flag.

On this Flag Day, be PROUD of the AMERICAN FLAG, and what it stands for.   Long may it wave; and long may we continue to water the Tree of Liberty.

PS:  Happy Birthday, President Trump!

* Did you like how I worked that in?  I was kind of proud of it.  Speaking of pride and all.

Um, I dunno…

Doesn’t this sound like incitement to insurrection?  By the Democrats’ own rules…if it sounds like insurrection, it must be insurrection.  Right?

Hey, FBI, you might want to investigate this sports journalist who thinks he’s a political pundit.

The lies are flying thick and fast

Lie #1:  Governor Abbott is defying the Supreme Court by continuing to have the Texas State Guard patrol the border and keep illegals from crossing.

Lie #2: We need more law to prevent illegals from crossing the border.

Lie #1 is easily disproved by reading the order from the Court, which states only that the temporary restraining order preventing the Border Patrol from cutting the razor wire and removing other impediments placed by the Texas State Guard has been vacated.  The order says nothing about Abbott not being allowed to use the Texas State Guard to prevent border crossings.  Because frankly the State of Texas has every reason to want to secure the border, and the Court isn’t going to get into that.

Lie #2 is easily disproved by the fact that Biden vacated Trump’s EOs regarding the Wall and other features of border security the day he took office.  All Biden has to do is admit that Trump was right, and re-institute Trump’s border EOs.  He needs no new law to do this, and to claim he wants a tit for tat of more throwaway funding for the Ukraine debacle before he’ll sign new law to secure the border is a load of stinking fecal matter that probably originates in his own Depends.

The fact is that the Democrats want millions of illegals crossing the border.  They are following the hoary dictum of “if your electorate is refusing to support your programs, you need to replace them with a new electorate” (which is a massive paraphrase but that’s what it comes down to).

The problem is, Abbott saw that bullshit and raised it by sending busloads of illegals to the so-called “sanctuary” cities, who immediately proved they were interested only in virtue signaling when it came to providing said sanctuary.  The reality hit quickly as their money started going down that rat hole instead of the usual rat holes they wanted it to go down.  New York’s mayor is panicking, and closer to home, Chicago is starting to feel pressure from its black community, who are not amused about having to deal with thousands of illegals being bused into their neighborhoods.

Want to fix the border crisis, Joe?  Close the fucking border.  You already had authority and budget to do that.  Just fucking do it.

The fact is, nobody on the left really wants to close the border.

“Democrats delenda est.”  The left must be destroyed, utterly.  There is no other path but through at this point.

If Trump is said to “underperform” in Iowa, be sure to look at the actual numbers

From The Washington Times, via RealClearPolitics:

In case you weren’t already aware, the fix is in. Before the first ballot has been cast, the media have already written their headlines for the Iowa caucuses: “Trump underperforms in Iowa.”

According to the Real Clear Politics polling average, former President Donald Trump leads the field with over 52%, ahead of his closest rival by a whopping 36 points. FiveThirtyEight has a similar polling average, putting him at just over 51%, with a lead of 34 points.

That’s a substantial margin, with plenty of room for underperformance. But let’s look at things from a broader historical perspective.

Since 1976, the biggest “landslide” in the Iowa Republican caucuses (excluding elections with a Republican incumbent) came in 1988, when Sen. Bob Dole amassed 37% of the vote and won by 12 points over televangelist Pat Robertson. In many contested elections of that period, Iowa has been decided by 3 points or less, reflecting the intense independence of Iowa caucusgoers.

Iowans pride themselves on making up their own minds, and they take their responsibility as the first state on the election calendar very seriously. They do not just go with the flow and rubber-stamp the national mood.

Mr. Trump is poised to win Iowa, and the victory may be a historic landslide. Even if he severely underperforms his polling lead, he’s still likely to outpace Dole’s record-setting margin. In this case, underperforming should count only if Mr. Trump comes below Dole’s historic 12-point margin ahead of the next closest finisher.

But that’s not the standard to which the media will hold him.

This is what the Left gets for pissing off the American public.  As we have said for years, progressives won’t like living under their new rules.  And they’ve all but martyred Trump to the point where his landslide is going to eclipse Reagan’s.

And if it turns out I’m wrong about that, it will be because the Left has frauded yet another election just like they did 2020.

Remember: Pinochet did nothing wrong.