Didn’t want this to go to waste

I was pretty sure we were OK after a couple of hours Tuesday night, especially after Lara Trump’s vote purity brigade threatened to sue to start the counting again in a PA county that had stopped, ostensibly for the night, and they backed down immediately and started counting again…

…but I had made this up a couple of weeks ago and really didn’t want it to go to waste.  Enjoy!

Ahhh….how sweet it is.

It’s morning in America, folks.  We may have to wait three months to rid ourselves of the stench of Old Joe and Kameltoe, but as Otto von Bismarck so memorably put it, “God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.”

Thank Him for this day which He hath made, and rejoice in it.

On Account of a Dame is live!

A new novella about a noir-esque detective and set in my Timelines Universe has been released.  I think y’all will like this one.  (Well, I have to think that you’ll like all of them!  But this one is fun.)

Welcome to the New Jazz Age!

It’s the Roaring Twenties all over again — well — the 2120’s, that is. Where New York City has reverted to its Jazz Age roots of two centuries before. What’s missing? Prohibition, and gun control. What’s not missing? Tough guys, and the dames who (sometimes) love them. Gin joints. Speakeasies. Dance halls. The Social Register is still a thing, and the Beautiful People litter the society pages of the local hypernews sites.

Enter a typical gumshoe private detective — a member of that high society himself, yet a man who left society long ago for other pursuits. And his latest client, a rich young woman of leisure, who needs her new husband followed.

Throw in the recently-crowned queen of one of Chinatown’s tongs, a beautiful investment wizard from upstate, and a hundred million dollars in assets, and suddenly it’s all

On Account of a Dame

This administration is sickening.

If this were a Republican administration, the party would have no hope of re-election given the recent FEMA disclosures. Everyone from the top down would be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison.

FEMA’s out of money? Hmm. Hey Congress, you’re not averse to increasing debt by the tonload, why aren’t you voting for emergency disaster relief right now?

The investigation into FEMA money going to pay for illegal immigrants can wait till the new administration. But people need to go to jail. All the way to the top. And that’s not persecution of political opponents — that’s prosecution of actual illegal actions by people in high office.

At minimum, Joe should be sent to a nursing home for the rest of his life. Kamala should be breaking rocks in Leavenworth for the rest of hers. And down the line it should go.

We have the worst politicians in our history. And probably in all of history. Everything they do is intended to harm the people of this country and this country’s image in the rest of the world. Hang them or Pinochet them all. They don’t deserve to breathe the air of freedom.

24 years??? And counting!

I find it difficult to believe that, today, 17 September 2024, I have been married to the love of my life for 24 years.* First of all, where did all that time go?

Second, how is it that she hasn’t killed me?

Anyway she’s still pretty as the day I married her, and we’re going out for hibachi tonight to celebrate.  (And for once, our anniversary fell on date night, so doubly-fun.  Woot.)

*And wait till the special anniversary next year — hopefully we’ll have a decent president in office and things broken over the last four years will be getting fixed, but well, we’ll see…

I didn’t watch the debates.

There was no point.

The odds were stacked in favor of Kamala. People are saying today that she must have known the questions in advance. Well, duh. Everyone involved in the production was doing anything they could to ensure a “win” for her. And the fact is, she’s so ridiculously, simperingly stupid, there’s no way she could stand in front of a panel and answer substantive questions about the last four years and the four years ahead. She was probably lucky to answer what she’d been prepped for.

The man who has been asking those questions, and putting forth solid policy ideas, was in the crosshairs last night.

People are also complaining that he didn’t ask until the last few minutes why Kamala hasn’t already done the things she’s saying she’ll do for the past 3-1/2 years. (She was Vice President, you know. I realize it was difficult to tell.) But I don’t think waiting till the end of the program was wrong for that question to be asked. Every great entertainer knows you always leave ’em laughing. And every great politician knows you unload your heaviest artillery at the end, so it makes a big splash on impact.

The one good thing about last night is it will likely be the death knell for presidential debates, unless the people who run them smarten up and understand they are literally doing the country an injury by their lopsided concept of “fairness”. But they won’t do that, because they’re all in for the United Communist States of America under the Uniparty represented last night by Kamala.

Thing is, the smart people are already ignoring them. It wasn’t even worth watching for the popcorn and shots every time Kamala lied. (I wouldn’t be at work this morning, and probably would be dead from alcohol poisoning; I don’t know how people like Stephen Green and Tony Katz do it. Stainless-steel livers, I suppose…)

Trump is saying he’s not going to do another debate. I agree. There’s no point. They’re nothing but 100% all-in political ads for his opponent. Take the modern incarnation of political debates out behind the barn and kill them with an axe, as P.J. O’Rourke would likely have said.