Fuck Joe Biden

All these “FUCK JOE BIDEN” chants at football games are starting to engender a very small amount of strange new respect for collegiate yutes.

But I want to see that shit starting at NFL games, too. And NBA games. And every other pro sport.

Tyranny is unacceptable. Dot, period, end of subject.

Joe Biden is a tyrant. And we know what Jefferson said about tyrants.

“A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a people who mean to be free.”

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

And old Ben Franklin had something to say about that, too:

“Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”

Good news for a change — a new book released!

Actually it was released last night, but there were a couple of extremely minor typos and I refreshed the manuscript this morning.

All Col. Dr. Ariela Rivers Wolff, M.D., Ph.D., USSFM – the Lion of God – wanted was a little piece of paradise to call her own.

Being stuck on a desert world – even if she was the CO of the premiere battalion of the 1st U.S. Space Force Marines that was based there – was not getting her any beach time. Mostly because, without an ocean, there’s really no beach at all.

But she’s got a fix for that problem.

Now, if only the academics studying the problem of terraforming the exile world of al-Saḥra’ would get out of her way . . .

. . . and if only the religious fanatics who want their planet left as a desert, despite all the water from the planet’s former oceans being accessible only a few miles down, will leave the terraforming project alone long enough to see the good it will bring them . . .

. . . then, the Lion would truly be in Paradise.

But even in paradise, black clouds – and black ships – can herald danger . . .

I’ve been reading far too many resumes, lately…

If you ever write a resume to submit to a potential employer, please for fuck’s sake don’t do it in 9pt. type in two columns. It might be getting looked at by a couple of guys in their late 50s-early 60s who can’t see worth a shit, even on a 27″ high-def monitor. And one of those guys is potentially your immediate boss, and the other one is the CEO.

Fancy formatted resumes do not impress me. What have you done, where did you do it, when did you do it. That’s what I want to know. And I damned well do not want to have to squint to find it out.

Also, so tired of seeing the same buzzwords and buzz phrases, I could puke. Try being original instead of using the same worn-out tropes. (In fairness, I think a lot of this particular failing can be chalked up to using resume writing software as opposed to writing your own resume from scratch, but I think I am a dinosaur in that regard.)

PS:  I realize this blog shows up to most people in small type.  There’s a zoom setting in your browser that can solve that problem.  I run this blog at 133% myself.  I have my view of other blogs set similarly if they run with a small font by default (Instapundit, for one).  I run MeWe at 120%, and I think when I still had a Farcebork account, I ran it at 150%.

Check your goddamn facts before you post patent bullshit.

There’s a meme circulating (I’ve seen it in several different iterations, and I don’t intend to repeat it here) that boils down to a claim that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated, so how do we even know it exists?

Which claim I find interesting. How was it sequenced it if never was isolated? Because it was known to have been sequenced early on. Chinese scientists who were alarmed that their government was clamping down on information provided the sequencing data to Western scientists clear back in early 2020 (if not late 2019). (Yes, I’d have to go find the sources for that, but I’ve seen them cited multiple times.  Sorry, go do your own research; I’m busy editing a book.)

[EDIT TO ADD:  OK, here you go:  https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/sequencing-of-SARS-CoV-2.pdf

Very first paragraph (my emphasis in bold):

In January 2020, a previously unknown coronavirus strain was identified as the cause of a respiratory infection and death in humans [1]. The first viral genome was sequenced using high throughput sequencing (HTS) from a sample collected in Wuhan, China. This virus, belonging to the viral species Severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus, has been subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 and the associated disease coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [2].

The first reference ([1]) is “Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, Li X, Yang B, Song J, et al. A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020.”  This is the report the Chinese government didn’t want to get out.

This happened BEFORE SARS-CoV-2 became epidemic in the United States and much of the rest of the world.  END EDIT]

I don’t necessarily trust fact-checkers, certainly don’t generally trust Reuters, but the reasoning behind this claim seems rather weak, and there’s a discussion of why and how the report that led to this claim was misinterpreted here: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-cdc-idUSKBN27633R

Here’s another one: https://fullfact.org/health/Covid-isolated-virus/

I’ll make the point that I have never claimed that the virus doesn’t exist.  I’ve taken its existence seriously from day one.  My claim is that all of the hysteria over the virus that translated into lockdowns and masking mandates was total bullshit and intended only to destroy the economy and get Biden elected — and now the morons in charge can’t figure out how to back out of their totalitarian stance without being destroyed by the very people they convinced to fear a “deadly” virus that ended up being entirely survivable by well over 99% of the population — if they hadn’t pooh-poohed things like Vitamin D, zinc, HCQ, and ivermectin.  [Edit:  Sorry, I misspelled “HCQ” as “HCL” in the original post.]

I really hate it when our side pushes narratives that can be demonstrated to be untrue. It’s bad enough when the other side does it; we know they lie six times before their morning coffee anyway. We should have more restraint and spend more time checking our stories (and memes) before we put them out there.

The virus exists.  Why pretend it doesn’t?  Who gains?  CDC, FDC, WHO, NIH/NIAID, Fauci, Birx, et al., and the rest of the medical establishment have already destroyed their reputations and authority, we don’t need to spread a patent falsehood to make that clear.

We claim to be better than that.  We should prove it.

It’s not treason when everyone is thinking it.

A MeWe friend points out this article by John Nolte, from yesterday:

The Disastrous Neocon Ideology Dies in Kabul

and he quotes this salient bit:

There’s no question that back in 2001, we needed to go into Afghanistan and take care of business. For it was there where the international terrorists who hit us on 9/11 were allowed to plot and scheme and find safe harbor. That threat had to be eradicated, and our victory against that threat occurred in just a couple of weeks. On October 7, 2001, Taliban rule collapsed. That’s when we should have left with a victory in hand, our heads held high, and the world warned not to fuck with us.


The problem is, as a people, we’re too damn soft-hearted for our own good. We want to uplift the downtrodden and make them (unfortunately, one-dimensional) images of ourselves. We can’t stop ourselves from playing G-d.  But we don’t do it very well, unfortunately.  Probably why it’s “playing” G-d as opposed to “being” G-d, but that’s a theological and philosophical question for another day.

And then there’s the government, which has its own nefarious reasons for overstaying our welcome.

And then there are Obama and Biden, the two most incompetent presidents of the 21st Century.

Mix it all up and you get the Second Fall of Saigon. And yes, we should have known better. Certainly our military establishment should have known better. I’ve seen it said every member of the military above the ranks of E8 and O6 should be defrocked and thrown out onto the street, for this and other reasons. And I’m not sure I disagree.

But I’m done listening to anything our “government” has to say on this or any other subject (hint: more WuFlu shots in your future (not mine; I won’t take that poison jab, sorry not sorry)). And I imagine I’m not the only one having those subversive, yet patriotic thoughts, this morning.

The powers that be should be afraid. They should be very afraid.

And that’s the way the relationship between citizens of a free republic and its government should be.  The question is, when do we finally decide to get our backs up and shrink the government down to a manageable size?

Sadly enough, your guess is as good as mine.

Yes, you can fire someone for breach of contract.

Three years ago I wrote this post.

Today, courtesy of Don Surber’s blog, I read that the lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Indianapolis was thrown out by, as Mr. Surber puts it, a “Clinton judge who read the Constitution.”

The story is here, but here is the core finding:

Judge Richard Young of the Southern District of Indiana on Aug. 11 ruled that the former Roncalli Catholic High School counselor, Lynn Starkey, qualified as a minister of religion; thus, the archdiocese and school were exempt from federal workplace discrimination prohibitions, regarding her termination of employment.

I said this was a slippery slope case from the beginning, and I wasn’t wrong; but the judge decided it was time to stop the sliding and apply some common sense.  Good for him, and good for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.  Now maybe they can resolve the rest of the same-sex-marriage breach of contract cases that popped up after this one.

“Null-ABC” was not intended as an instruction manual.

Blue-State Disaster: Oregon Gov Signs Bill Allowing Students to Graduate Without Knowing How to Read or Write

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon has signed a bill into law that allows students in the state to graduate from high school without having to prove they know how to read, write or understand math.

The Oregonian reported that Brown signed Senate Bill 744 on July 14 with no news release and without informing anyone outside of her office about her decision to sign the legislation.

The new law says that “a student may not be required to show proficiency in Essential Learning Skills as a condition of receiving a high school diploma during the 2021-2022, 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 school year.”

It also requires that the state Board of Education “[r]ecommend changes in legislation or administrative rules that will reduce disparities and ensure that every student will be on track to earn one of the high school diplomas offered in this state.”

The bill equates to a multiyear suspension of current graduation requirements.

They want illiterate idiots who will be compliant because they know no other way.

Face it, if you can’t read the Declaration, or the Constitution, or any of our other founding documents, how do you know you have certain rights that the government can’t infringe or take away? Because under this new regime, your teachers will be forbidden to teach you that.

This is not about equity; this is about subjugating the upcoming generations to the control of the soi-disant elites, who are not worthy to spit-shine my patent leathers.

I’m deadly serious about the Null-ABC reference I made in the title. If you’ve never read it before, read it now while you still can.