The new Intolerable Acts

Government by E.O. is not government.

And I say that as one who applauded most of Trump’s Executive Orders.  Because most of Trump’s E.O.s fixed actual problems (OK, OK, the bump stock E.O. was an own goal) while not attempting to go around Congress to make new law.  You’ll notice he didn’t issue an E.O. repealing the ACA after John McCain traitorously blindsided him.  That’s because he knew he couldn’t do that.

Creepy Uncle Pedo Joe, on the other hand…

The new Executive Order signed on April 15 (what a great day to sign anything that takes Americans’ rights away) is entitled Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian FederationBut as the American Thinker points out,

Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government.

The Biden administration unilaterally makes the determination and requires neither criminal acts nor intent. The punishment is blocking assets and a prohibition on any dealing with the accused person. Spouses and adult children of individuals found guilty by accusation under this EO are punished, too.

Yeah, spit on the Constitution some more, Creepy Uncle Pedo Joe.

And it wouldn’t be a Joe Biden E.O. without added new plagiarism:

Some of the language in this EO borrows from another: EO-13224 – Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism. George W. Bush signed EO-13224 on September 23, 2001, in response to 9/11.

However, Biden’s EO is as similar to Bush’s EO as an atomic bomb is to a sniper rifle. Bush’s EO targeted financing terrorism. It defined terrorism clearly and narrowly. It minimized legal jeopardy to US persons. It did not strip away the standard for criminal liability requirements of action and intent. It did not target spouses or children of accused individuals. Additionally, Bush made a legally meaningful promise to use it with due regard to culpability and the Bush administration used it with restraint. Even so, Democrats criticized it harshly, opposed it, and fought it in courts.

In contrast, Biden’s new EO is directed mostly at US persons. It criminalizes speech and political activities, based on whimsical and arbitrary definitions. The Biden administration can define “malicious activities,” “democratic processes or institutions,” and the activities that undermine them as it wants.

I encourage you to click the link above and go read the whole thing.

But the fact is, these E.O.’s are unconstitutional on their face.  They set out penalties for actions that are Constitutionally-permissible and rest under the wide banner of free speech.

Moreover, they create penalties in law without the consent of the Congress (though I’m sure that consent would be forthcoming, given the razor-thin majorities held by the traitor progressives in both houses).  The fact is, Congresscritters don’t want to touch this sort of thing with a ten-foot pole, or a six-foot Russian, either.  If they can’t guarantee a win for their party in a given district, they run too much risk of losing enough seats in 2022 to not just overturn those razor-thin majorities, but to possibly create veto-proof majorities as well.  (Though I suspect the latter is pie in the sky; after all, Dominion still dominates.)

We revolted against George III for less, and we wrote protections into the Bill of Rights to prevent precisely this sort of governmental tyranny.

So I have to say, I’m wondering when the next Shot Heard Round the World will be fired.  And when the Boog will officially start.

The Biden E.O.s are the new Intolerable Acts.  And once upon a time, we proved we wouldn’t tolerate them.

If not now, when?

The day-drinker is off her rocker.

‘I’m A Street Fighter’: Pelosi Says She Would Have Fought Capitol Rioters

Yehshureright.  I think it’s more like this, granny:

Or maybe this:

Democrats sure are violent, aren’t they?  Almost like the Brown Shirts they want to impose on us, though in Pelosi’s case, it’s probably more like Brown Sharts.

No, I don’t have any respect for Congress.  Why should I?  I would wear a charge of “Contempt of Congress” as a badge of honor.

Fuck Congress.  (Not literally.  Ewww.)

Elder abuse is really no laughing matter

I’ve giggled over the memes of Zhou Bai Den tripping multiple times on the AF1 stairs, but it’s kind of a sad giggle.

Mark you, I have no sympathy for a man I believe has wreaked more damage on the system in the decades he spent in Congress than anyone who came before him and stayed as long or longer — and I must say, fuck that guy for making Social Security liable to claw-back if you make “too much money” in retirement — but what is being done to him at this point is clearly what we’d call “elder abuse” if it was being done to anyone else.

It is obvious to even someone who doesn’t know jack or shite about this sort of thing that the man is no longer mentally fit, and hasn’t been for quite some time.  I’ve seen comments from people who know what they’re talking about who say the verbal issues, the combativeness, and the tripping are all clear signs of dementia.  Of course the man hasn’t done a press conference since he was inaugurated — he can’t be trusted to actually field questions from reporters and answer them with any kind of coherence.  We already know that from some of the things he “said” in the run-up to and in the aftermath of the election.

Yet, because the Democratic Communists in this country are desperate to get their dictatorship pushed over on the rest of us before they become irrelevant, they cheated and fudged and lied about stealing the 2020 election, only to put into office the one candidate they had who was marginally electable.  (Well, other than Tulsi Gabbard, but she wouldn’t play the game, so they isolated and cancelled her.)  It’s their vice president, along with Susan Rice and “Dr.” Jill Biden, who’s in charge of the message and the agenda.  Ol’ Joe is just signing executive orders and bills that come up from the (barely) Democrat-controlled Congress.  As for Kamalalala, remember, this is a person who couldn’t even get above single digits during the Democrat primaries.  Nobody likes her — everybody hates her.

But she’s going to be your president soon.  They can’t keep up this charade much longer; sooner or later Biden won’t be able to stand up long enough to get the hand up his back to run the puppet.

As a meme I’ve seen over the last couple of days says, where are the 80 million Biden voters praising the program their president is allegedly putting into place?

The fact is, there weren’t 80 million Biden voters, and most of them voted against Trump, not for Biden.  And many of them are horrified that the things Biden promised on the trail turned out to be non-starters once he occupied the Oval Office.

The bad fake of Biden taking “questions” from “reporters” as he walked along “a sidewalk outside the White House” (more likely a green screen) is just laughable, because it IS such a bad fake.  Who are they trying to kid?  How did that even get out?  Clearly they don’t care, and they refuse to address it in any case.

It’s criminal what his handlers are doing to him.

That said, it’s only what the fucker deserves.

Meanwhile, Trump sits in Mar-A-Lago and smiles as courts in states like Michigan take notice that underhanded douchery was done during the late election.

Biden is an illegitimate president.  That’s all there is to it.  And all you Democrats out there are going to wish you’d left well enough alone and let Trump win his second term before it’s over.

Fuck ’em.

People need to stop being afraid, throw off the masks, stop worrying about congregating, and basically tell the government to go fuck itself with a grenade launcher.

So glad I didn’t bother re-upping with the BSA last year.

There is apparently a new merit badge, to be required for Eagle, called…

Wait for it…

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Merit Badge

40 years in the Scouting movement and I couldn’t take it anymore when they started letting girls in.

This is even worse.

Apparently the feedback from stakeholders has been really, really bad, and they’ve so far held off on actually adding it to the requirement list.

The Scouting movement has gone wokey-dokey.  It’s toast.  Sorry, parents, you need to find something else for your boys to learn to become men.

Also this.

Just want to remind those fuckers behind that fence that they work for ME — not the other way around.

And they should every damn one of them — with a very few exceptions — have their American cards revoked.

Racist is just another word for “nothing left to lose”

When everything is racist, nothing will be racist.

Biden administration cites climate change as a ‘racial justice issue’

Yawn.  First of all, there’s no such thing as climate change.  There’s just climate.  And it is continuously in flux because weather systems are chaotic, just like the sun.  Remember the sun?  It drives almost all weather on this rock.  If it goes away for even short periods, temperature drops precipitately.  (Ever stood in the path of a total eclipse?  Or even a partial one?  Wind picks up and it gets chilly immediately, even in high summer.)

The so-called “science” on climate is bullshit, little more than quasi-religious pseudo-scientism ginned up by the usual suspects.  I mean, I remember being told we were going back into an ice age when I was in high school, nearly five decades ago.  So again, yawn.  The so-called science isn’t any more “settled” now than it was in 1977.  Make up your fucking minds, or even better, shut the fuck up and let the real scientists do their jobs.

I will end by noting my conviction that the emerging replacement buzzphrase for “racist” or “racism”, now that they are losing any potency they may previously have had, is “white supremacy”, applied to everything that used to be called racist — even things you wouldn’t expect it to be applied to, like blacks who either have never bought into the crazy, or are starting to back away from the crazy because it’s gotten completely out of hand. When it becomes acceptable to accuse a black (or otherwise non-Caucasian) person of “white supremacy”, you know the left has totally lost it.

But the left were always the slavers, Jim Crows, Kluxers, eugenicists, and abortionists.  The left has always done everything in its power to keep the black man down.  And blacks are finally starting to figure out that, among other people, LBJ absolutely fucked them raw and destroyed their communities with the “Great Society”.

Hell’s jingling bells, it was even too much for many Democrats of the day.  Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, for one.  My Dad, for another.

Time to raise the black flag, my friends.

Past time.