A pox on both their houses.

I have to say…

My mother’s father’s father (and I assume by extension, his entire family) was originally from Kiev. They got the hell out of Dodge and went to England. From England, they went to Canada; and from Canada, to the US. (There’s a story about how my great-grandfather illegally immigrated to the US by dressing as a workman, carrying a lunch box, and nonchalantly crossing the border with some other “guest workers” one day. Later on he “fixed” that problem with US authorities — a lot easier to do before WWI — and was granted citizenship, which made it possible for him to bring the rest of the family in from Canada. Anyway, he was legal at some point; I have his immigration papers around here, somewhere.)

And I’ll tell ya, I’m all for self-determination of peoples and all that razz-ma-tazz. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is a shanda.

But in all fairness, it sure seems like Ukraine is just as much of a hellhole as Russia, and I have zero interest in the US sticking troops or anything else in to help. The Realpolitik of our day suggests that is a job for the Euros, and even the Euros would be smart to back the fuck down. Putin is just crazy enough to nuke ’em, I think. (And the ‘rats thought Trump was nuts. 🤪)

On the other hand I do so love seeing Putin get a black eye from the Ukrainians. He may win yet, but right now they have him pretty well bogged down.

Bottom line, It’s just not our fight and we need to stay out of it, start fracking again, and finish the Keystone XL. But Brandon will never do that because it is in the best interests of the Communist, I mean, Democrat Party to weaken if not entirely destroy the United States.

And Epstein didn’t kill himself.

All that said, though, and even as a Jew, I can get behind St. Javelin of Kiev: