We here at the Curmudgeon manse have been inundated the last couple of weeks with mass mailings extolling the new Wishard Hospital plan, that will require no tax increases, boy howdy, and pleading with us to vote YES on November 3.
I don’t believe it. I simply don’t. To say that something that expensive is going to be built by a government entity and that no new taxes will be required to finance it is completely out in left field somewhere. Oh, and that claim? It’s based on the fact that federal stimulus monies will be used to pay off the bonds.
Which means that “no tax increases” is a bald-faced lie. We are ALL going to be paying for the new Wishard, one way or another. Whether or not property taxes rise to pay for it, our federal taxes will definitely rise to pay off the Bush-Obama stimulus. Ours, and our children’s, and our children’s children’s. Well — not my children’s — ain’t got any. So at least it won’t be my kids paying for it.
Vote NO on the referendum on November 3. Force ’em to be honest.
One more reason I’m glad that my wife and I moved out of Marion County.
I’m seriously considering moving to Texas if this crap continues.