Why Twitter is loved by the Left

Kathy Shaidle asks, “Why is the Twitter community so left wing?”
This is simple. Lefties are incoherent and thus inherently unable to string words together to make coherent phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. Therefore,
1) Blogging is out because blogging requires that you actually write coherently about something now and then, and
2) Twitter is basically the Internet version of texting and instant messaging. This makes Twitter perfect for lefties, because lefties are just a bunch of chattering twits to begin with.
Yes, I said CHATTERING TWITS. Not chittering…well. You know what I mean.
(This goes back to what I used to say 20 years ago about the difference between WordPerfect and WordStar users after I read somewhere that National Review was (at the time) a WordStar shop, while the university I worked for was heavily invested in WordPerfect. It was clear that WordStar was a conservative word processing program because it forced you to think about what you were doing, formatting-wise, whereas WordPerfect did all your thinking for you and ruined documents all by itself without needing you to miss closing a dot command on your own.)

2 Replies to “Why Twitter is loved by the Left”

  1. Look — I use a lot of foul language around here, but there are some things that are simply too foul.
    So I let the commenters say them for me 🙂
    Similarly I refuse to use the word that rhymes with “bunt”. (Well, OK, I’ve used it once, but it was in a good cause.) If I were English, I doubt I would have that inhibition, but I’m American, and I do.

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