Obama the Marxist elitist

I honestly don’t understand why nobody is calling Obama the Marxist that he really is.
I don’t care about his father’s religious background or whether he studied in a madrassa or not. I don’t care about his middle name. I don’t care about the color of his skin, or the fact that he’s married to a woman who has no concept of what it is to be a proud American.
I do care that he’s a Marxist, pure and simple, and as such, he is the enemy of this country and everything it stands for.
President? I wouldn’t vote for him for dogcatcher, and I can’t imagine why anyone else would.
Filed under “Democrats Own Defeat”, because it’s sure starting to look like 1972 to me.

One Reply to “Obama the Marxist elitist”

  1. FYI, I deleted a comment to this post that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this post. It was from a particular health advocacy group that I would normally support, but I’ve never accepted off-topic comments, and I don’t intend to start now.
    If I post something about that particular illness, the gentleman who tried to comment is welcome to do so. Otherwise, he and all other advocates are advised to take their advocacy elsewhere.

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