Todd Young needs to be primaried.

It may or may not be too late, but Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) is one of the idiot traitors (but I repeat myself) who voted for the big Ukraine aid package and G-d knows what else, all of which is basically funded with funny money because they’re not even pretending anymore, and the bill for which nobody could possibly have read before voting for it.

From a MeWe post:

18 Republicans voted in the dead of night to pass a $1.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill that sends ~ $14,000,000,000 to Ukraine, despite the fact that our Southern Border is wide open, the Wall is not funded, and America’s infrastructure is crumbling under the weight of a foreign invasion.

These are all good points.  And one of the idiots, I mean, GOPers who voted for it was Todd Young.

Primary the RINO bitch.

A pox on both their houses.

I have to say…

My mother’s father’s father (and I assume by extension, his entire family) was originally from Kiev. They got the hell out of Dodge and went to England. From England, they went to Canada; and from Canada, to the US. (There’s a story about how my great-grandfather illegally immigrated to the US by dressing as a workman, carrying a lunch box, and nonchalantly crossing the border with some other “guest workers” one day. Later on he “fixed” that problem with US authorities — a lot easier to do before WWI — and was granted citizenship, which made it possible for him to bring the rest of the family in from Canada. Anyway, he was legal at some point; I have his immigration papers around here, somewhere.)

And I’ll tell ya, I’m all for self-determination of peoples and all that razz-ma-tazz. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is a shanda.

But in all fairness, it sure seems like Ukraine is just as much of a hellhole as Russia, and I have zero interest in the US sticking troops or anything else in to help. The Realpolitik of our day suggests that is a job for the Euros, and even the Euros would be smart to back the fuck down. Putin is just crazy enough to nuke ’em, I think. (And the ‘rats thought Trump was nuts. ?)

On the other hand I do so love seeing Putin get a black eye from the Ukrainians. He may win yet, but right now they have him pretty well bogged down.

Bottom line, It’s just not our fight and we need to stay out of it, start fracking again, and finish the Keystone XL. But Brandon will never do that because it is in the best interests of the Communist, I mean, Democrat Party to weaken if not entirely destroy the United States.

And Epstein didn’t kill himself.

All that said, though, and even as a Jew, I can get behind St. Javelin of Kiev:

“The fault, dear Friends, is not in our Supreme Court, / But in ourselves, who don’t understand how it works.”

I swear to shit, if I hear about one more person piss and bitch about Bret Kavanaugh and say, “I thought he was a shit choice from the start,” I’m going to start blocking people.

I don’t know anyone who wasn’t happy about the pick originally, because he was a Trump pick. That he’s become a fairly predictable liability since he was confirmed is definitely the truth. But here’s the thing. Is he ruling the way he is because he’s a closet liberal, or because he has a fine-tuned concept of what the Supreme Court’s role really is in this Republic?

The law is the law. If you don’t like the law, you have to elect legislators who will fix the law. The courts are not where you go to get that remedy, and they have said so repeatedly. Yes, the Supreme Court stayed the OSHA mandate, and rightly so, because OSHA doesn’t have the power to regulate outside the workplace. The other case was less clear, but what was clear about it is that the government has overreached and needs to be pruned back.

The real question is whether the Federal Government has overstepped its Constitutional authority. But it’s been doing that for a hundred years. Where has the Court been? We can argue that for days, but earlier Courts have let things slide because of doctrines like stare decisis. You don’t want the law to change every generation, or every time the government switches hands. You need continuity. The problem is, the continuity we have took a wrong turn at Albuquerque sometime back in the first half of the 20th Century, if not earlier.

Sometimes you just can’t overturn a rule. Sometimes rules have backing at law (regardless whether the law is a ass). The Court is not a super-legislative body; unless something is clearly an overstep of authority, all it can do is point out where the Legislative and Executive branches have fucked up and recommend by its actions that maybe that ought to get a second look by the people who were elected to make the laws and uphold them.

But for fuck’s sake, stop blaming Bret Kavanaugh for the woes of the world. The law is the law. Throw the bums out of the White House and the Congress if you want the law to change. And then damn well dog the heels of the replacements you elect to make sure they follow through.