Eric Holder is a fucking cunt.

Eric Holder, former asshole-in-chief at the Department of Justice under Barry Soetoro, is quoted as saying, “When I hear these things about ‘Let’s make America great again,’ I think to myself: ‘Exactly when did you think America was great?’”

With all due respect to this fucking cunt, the best part of whom obviously dribbled down his mama’s leg, most of us have never wavered in our belief that America has always been great.  Our faith in the jerkoffs holding office and running the place for the last couple of decades is another story, because you assholes frankly sucked.  And yes, I’ll include George W. Bush, for whom I voted twice.

Holder’s former boss, the Big Zero, did everything he could to knock this country off its pedestal, and yet, it’s still the place everyone wants to come to live and still the country everyone looks to for help defending against the baddies China and Russia.

Donald Trump may not be perfect, and certainly in some respects he is not anywhere close, but I’ll take him in a heartbeat over Obama and Obama’s third term Hillary any day of the week.  So Eric Holder and anyone else with his attitude can go take a flying fuck at a doughnut.