This enrages me.

This was found on Facebook:

Hillary with stupid

From a personal standpoint I found it deeply humorous. From a political standpoint I found it pretty unlikely that either Hill or her staff actually allowed this to happen. And as it turned out, it was a fake. Here is the original, tweeted by Phillip Rucker of the Washington Post:

Hillary not with stupid

I’m no fan of Hillary Clinton, as anyone who has perused the archives of this blog already knows.  I’m all for anything that makes her look like the dangerous progressive wanna-be dictator that she is.  But I am much more concerned about what happens when both sides start professionally producing this kind of false propaganda.  I’d much rather see these lies debunked rather than propagated.

This kind of idiocy coming from the right makes it appear that neither party is interested in the truth, anymore.  (Not that I’m naïve enough to believe otherwise.)