Spring cleaning

Ah, the allergies.  Excuse me while I snot into a tissue.  Been taking the wife's Allegra, and it helps some and doesn't give me the accompanying headache that Claritin  and Zyrtec do.  Nor does it put me to sleep and leave me walking around like a stunned zombie* the next day the way Benadryl does 🙂  But it is not perfect and that may be at least partly because I'm taking it at night.  I can deal with stuffiness during the day, but I can't sleep at night because of it.

We spent the weekend cleaning house.  We have the classic "10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag" situation here, exacerbated by the fact that I have secretarial crap here from half a dozen fraternal organizations and Her Grace brought home most of the 12 years' worth of crap that she accumulated in her office at her old job and doesn't have room for in her office at her new job.  Plus she just has a lot of crap, er, dust collectors, er, chachkies in her "playroom" that take up space that real stuff could be occupying.  Plus she has four years' worth of grad school books and notes in there.  Did I mention the chachkies?

What?  No, no, I am not without sin in my casting of chachkies, er, stones.  I have an office that is 9' x 11' in size, in which I can barely squeeze a lane to my desk and chair.  I also have the aforementioned fraternal crap strewn across about three other rooms of the house, including our dining room, which is bad because we're having a family seder next weekend.  (Not this weekend because not everyone can be here.  The nice thing about Passover is that it's 8 days, so you can pick a day.  The bad thing about Passover is that it's 8 days, so you can throughout eat matzoh products that harden in your colon like concrete.  Or not.  Because I don't do that kosher thing, and not necessarily because I think kosher is idiotic**, but because I don't fancy ending up in the hospital with a 104° temperature and my diverticuli aflame.  Been there.  Done that.  Still got some of the laxative suppositories leftover from last time.  But I digress.)  Cleaning up fraternal crap and taking it downtown, ma'am.

I did have time to play on the radio some yesterday, and made a couple of contacts on 20 meter SSB.  I also was playing with SSTV on 20 meters, but I need better equipment to make that really work.  So while I'm about that, I may get into PSK31 or RTTY, too.

Anyway, today I have a living room full of empty boxes that I need to take downtown to a certain dumpster.  Oh, and I also did get a lot of the fraternal crap out of the way, mostly by mailing it to people it belonged to.  I might actually have the back bedroom liveable for when the kids come down from Fort Wayne next weekend.

Last week was otherwise kind of a blur.  Work is crazy.  I need to retire.  Too bad I'm a minimum of 8 years away from that.  Sigh.


* This may be redundant.

** I do.  Story for another day.