Jeebus Cripes, Pubbies.

Beth White is going to run for SecState.

This is a gift.  Run the right person against Beth “I can do a better job as Marion County Clerk” White and you’ll be shoo-ins.

She’s mad because the current incumbent was behind a bill that stopped her from offering early voting (code for “voter fraud”) and she’s mad about another law that requires third-party voter registration agents to turn in their collected forms within 10 days (code for “voter fraud”).  Apparently she also wants to make Metro bus cards and college ID cards a legal form of identification for voting (code for “voter fraud”).

She says she’s running to restore balance between the two parties at the statehouse.

Sorry, what?  She’s one of the most partisan Democrats in the state.  How does that restore balance?  Muddying the waters on voter ID is just handing the Dumbs another shot at skewing the ballot.  There is no reason that any given Indiana citizen cannot obtain a state-issued ID card — and given that it’s nearly impossible to live today without one, the continued drumbeating by the Dumbs that the requirement disenfranchises certain voters is beginning to wear pretty durn thin.  Like, about a micron or so left before the rest of us tell them to shut the fuck up and stop whining about a non-issue.

Oh, OK, thank goodness someone on the Pub side has got her number:

State Republican Chairman Tim Berry issued a statement accusing White of a history of “botched elections” as clerk. In her first election, the municipal primary in 2007, some polling places never opened because of shortages of pollworkers and ballots. White acknowledges there were problems in some elections, but says she’s eager to run on her record of serving Marion County voters.

Some record.  I’m telling you, the Pubbies letting Beth White win this election would be an unforced error.