Less is more

I have not talked much about my weight loss programme lately.  Somewhere down below I mentioned that we are doing Weight Watchers again.  Here is my latest chart:

WW 20130427.jpg

As you can see, I’ve lost 20.8 pounds since the beginning of the programme.  However, that still leaves me a few pounds short of where I started the first time we did Weight Watchers, which was somewhere around 254 pounds (coincidentally, close to my 10% goal weight this time).  But still…20.8 pounds!

Sally has also lost 21 pounds so far.  Basically between us we have lost a two-year-old.

Once I get to the 252.6 pound goal, I’m probably still looking at around 70 pounds to go.  The charts say I should weigh around 160 pounds, but I call bullshit.  When I graduated from high school I weighed 180, and I was not fat, except maybe in the head because I was 18 and knew everything.  On the other hand, I was climbing in and out of peoples’ crawl spaces and attics doing HVAC and electrical work in those days, too.  That’s a little different from sitting at a desk piloting a computer all day.

The first time we did this, I got down to 213 and got stuck.  And frankly I did not feel all that badly about 213.  But I’d like to get back down below 200, this time.

And then STAY THERE.