Joanna will like this

We had steaks tonight that were so fabulous that we just SHUT UP AND ATE OUR AWESOME.

They were three little sandwich-thin ribeyes, about a pound among ’em, and I cooked them up in a skillet the same way I’ve been cooking the regular ribeyes.  Some crisp french fries to go with ’em and voila.  (We aren’t big veggie people around here.)

OK, back to listening to the radio while wifey goes to online class.

2 Replies to “Joanna will like this”

  1. We love those little thin ribeyes. In fact we had some just last week. I marinate mine in a little Dale’s Sauce for about ten minutes before I cook ’em up — usually on the grill, but occasionally in a pan.
    Dales is good stuff, but you do not want to marinate too long.

  2. I was thinking they would make great steak-n-eggs steaks for breakfast. Pour a little sausage gravy over that.
    I’m drooling just thinking about it.

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