Stipulated: Piers Morgan is an idiot.

But in all the hullabaloo about what he tweeted regarding the 2nd Amendment being crafted with muskets in mind, I fail to find ANY response that suggests the real reason for the 2nd Amendment:  The protection and affirmation of a human right that predated and overrode any government-based attempt to infringe on it, viz., the right of anyone to defend themselves on an equal basis against anyone — prince, potentate, or common citizen — who had nefarious designs on their person or chattels.

The militia shit is in there because it needs to be, but the right that is not to be infringed is my right and yours to possess weapons of equal power to those who would attempt to take any of our rights or property away.

I’m really tired of arguing with people all the way from celebrities like Morgan (who is not a US citizen so far as I’m aware) to the general population like my father-in-law, who perpetuate this particular brand of idiocy.  Those of us on the gunnie side need to go back to first principles and assert our right — God-given or natural or whatever rings your bell — of self-defense by any and all means practicable.  If the anti-gunnies are too busy and too bound up in their sense of self-righteousness to read John Locke, and thereby leave themselves open to attack from their own government, that’s their problem.