Gays plan kiss-protest on Friday

IndyFishWarp sez gays are planning a Friday rebuttle to the massive Chick-Fil-A support turnout yesterday.

Opponents of Cathy’s stance have planned their own demonstration for Friday, asking people of the same sex to show up at Chick-fil-A locations and kiss each other.

You know, there was a time in this country (and I can remember it; wasn’t that long ago) when, if you lost as big as the opposition did in this case, you put your tail between your legs and slunk home.

Supporters of the Cathys turned out in force yesterday and politely told the likes of Rahm Emmanuel and Thomas Menino that government discrimination against private business based solely on a dislike of owners’ social principles was right out.  And they put everybody on notice that if you don’t like Dan Cathy’s stance on gay marriage, there are plenty of other chicken outlets where you can satisfy your fried chicken cravings.

I don’t care what you think about gay marriage.  I know what I think about it and that’s my business.  My opinion either way should not — and CAN not, under our Constitutional system — bar me from running a business anywhere in this country.

The mayors of two of the most left-liberal cities in the country — Chicago and Boston — would like you to think otherwise.

Time to take a stand for the Constitution.  And that’s what people did yesterday, whether they knew it or not.  Maybe on Friday they ought to show up again en masse and laugh.

PS:  I’m also amused that the left is calling the Family Research Center a “hate group” when any hate being mongered is clearly coming from their side.  But that’s liberals for you.