I so love the fall.

‘Tis the season of gutter salesmen, tree trimmers, leaf rakers, political canvassers, and the guy who says “I’m not selling anything, I’m just here to tell you we’re doing work for some of your neighbors.”
None of whom, apparently, can read and parse the NO SOLICITING sign on the door.*
Dudes and dudettes, I may be home, but I’m working 8 to 5 just like anybody else with a job. STOP RINGING MY DOORBELL.
Kill them all. God will know His own.

* It occurs to me that I might get better results with a “DAY SLEEPER” sign. But again, that would presume these people can actually read.

3 Replies to “I so love the fall.”

  1. “No solicitors” translates directly to “No solicitors except me, because I’m selling something people actually need!” This applies to contractors and missionaries alike. I suggest “Beware of Dog”, or “Occupant may be armed. Also, naked.”

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