Come on.

The Declaration of Independence was “illegal” and “treasonable,” according to a team of British lawyers, the BBC reports.

No shit? Are you kidding me? Pull the other one!
Of course it was illegal and treasonable. And the signers were completely aware of what they were doing when they put their signatures on it. That’s what that whole “pledg[ing] their lives and sacred honors” business down there at the bottom is about.
But then they went out and kicked your Imperial ass and sent you home with your tail between your legs. This is called “ratification on the battlefield”.
Maybe if you Brit assholes had reigned* in your Parliament sooner, none of the unpleasantness would have been necessary. To be entirely truthful, I for one am glad you didn’t.

* Did you get that unconscious pun? I didn’t, until I’d read it about four times. Not sure what I was thinking there. 🙂

5 Replies to “Come on.”

  1. If you’re going to break the law in spectacular fashion, and you fail (or get caught) in spectacular fashion, you should have the dignity to face the consequences in spectacular fashion. The “But but but I’m a rebel! Why doesn’t everybody love meeeeeeee?” types really get under my skin. (Which is why, ideology aside, Occupy Wall Street will never, ever, ever be on par with the Founding Fathers.)

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