Coming up for air

God, what a shitty, shitty week. I hope it has not been the same for my reader.
The one high point came on hump day. But it’s been downhill ever since. Maybe the weekend will make up for it. Nah. Then next week happens.
It used to be fun where I work.

3 Replies to “Coming up for air”

  1. Department A (in another city) is full of new people and isn’t getting their work done properly or on time. Departments B (my group) and C are therefore scrambling to fix what A has kicked down the road to us, arriving early, staying late and doing things outside our job description to try and get this done. My boss has an “I shouldn’t have to train you, so I’ll just yell at you later when you make mistakes” management style, and her boss is a “breathe down your neck until it’s done” type. I normally work 9a to 6p, with an hour for lunch. Yesterday I worked 9a to 8p, no lunch, and today I came in at 8a and will likely stay until at least 7p. I will also work all morning Saturday.
    So yeah, the week’s been crummy.

  2. You left the s off of reader. The only blog out there with one reader is mine. I’m pretty sure you have two or three. I understand the feeling though.

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