Amazing the stuff you find

I went in the back and was digging around in Dad’s stuff looking for one of his architect’s scales, and ended up doing a Wikiwander without the Wiki. I found one of his small pocketknives (a Browning No. 311), a General vernier caliper (plastic…plastic???!!!), our old Bacharach sling psychometer, and a Peacock Model GP dial thickness micrometer I bought from the tool salesman at Stewart-Warner back in 1980.
Oh, and his British Buttner.
Yeah, go look that up.
If I have time this weekend I’ll post some pictures.
(Oh, and needless to say, I did not actually find the architect’s scale…and I have yet to even begin the project I needed it for. Damn distractions.)

3 Replies to “Amazing the stuff you find”

  1. Whoa!! A Buttner! I bought one for Dad for Christmas in what, 73? 75? Wish I still had it.
    the General vernier was for measuring electrical components that could possibly be “hot”, or for measuring items that could be damaged by the metal surface of the caliper, like contact lenses, or jewelry.

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