Understand: I am NOT a McDonald’s fan.

I absolutely abhor their food, their ads, Ronald, and frankly everything about them. But this is fabulous.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest last month threatened a lawsuit against the fast-food giant to get it to dump the toys that accompany Happy Meals.
Forget it, McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner said, defending Happy Meals in the written response sent to the Washington, D.C.-based group.
“Internet sites, blogs and network surveys suggest that public opinion is running overwhelmingly against your premise,” Skinner wrote. “Our customer websites and phone lines at McDonald’s are also busy, with more than nine out of 10 customers disagreeing with your agenda.”

You go, Mr. Skinner. An exemplary showing of backbone by an American CEO against a bunch of busy-body scolds who want to tell me how and what to eat (and him what he can and cannot serve, and what he can and can’t give away with it). Now keep it up, and let’s see some other American CEOs display similar intestinal fortitude.

One Reply to “Understand: I am NOT a McDonald’s fan.”

  1. I’ve eaten at McDonald’s once or twice in the last six months. This is a drastic cutback from when I went there 2 to 3 times per week for breakfast.
    I wholeheartedly support their CEO and his response to CSPI. The ironic thing here is I stopped eating at McDonalds because their food in my opinion isn’t healthy enough. In the last six months, I’ve lost 35 pounds.

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