Some people.

I was on a conference call today with colleagues, one of whom actually asked me, “So, is Øbama to blame for the Gulf?”
Naturally, I said yes. She looked surprised, and said, “How can you say that?” That’s about as far as we got before HR shushed us. But of course it’s Øbama’s fault, even if the initial fault was BP’s. Nearly 80 days later, who could have immediately allowed foreign assistance into the Gulf by waiving the Jones Act? Who could have told EPA to step aside and let the states (like Louisiana) build sand berms?
The fact that this is still largely an uncontained mess is squarely on Øbama’s shoulders. The engineers are doing everything they can to stem the flow.
So later on she asked me, “Was Bush to blame for Katrina?” And I said, “no, of course not.” “How can you say that? New Orleans still hasn’t recovered!”
Yeah, but Mississippi has, and Mississippi was hit harder than New Orleans…and on top of that it had a Republican governor who actually acted rather than a Democratic mayor and a Democratic governor who diddled. So if one area that was hit harder has recovered faster, who exactly is to blame for the area that was not hit as hard having barely recovered at all?
Nobody paid any attention to Mississippi after Katrina. But Mississippi got up, dusted itself off, and said, “To work!” while New Orleans and Louisiana sat and waited for the government to help…and in many ways they are still sitting and waiting.
Got no patience for people who get their news from CNN and MSNBC, and who refuse to think for themselves.
Øbama is the greatest natural disaster to hit this country since Katrina. Or since Jimmy Carter. And even Carter is starting to look good in retrospect.