So go somewhere the fuck else, assholes

Just heard an ad for A couple out for the evening pops into one of the few remaining Indianapolis watering holes where smoking is still allowed and spends the next 30 seconds pissing and moaning about how terrible the smell is and how many Indianapolis residents die from secondhand smoke every year (never mind that secondhand smoke science is just as bogus as anthropomorphic global warming) and obviously pimping for the legislature to just ban smoking altogether.
Look. I have asthmatic bronchitis, and one of the fastest ways to ramp it up and make me have to take antibiotics for a week and a half is for me to hang around smokers and smoky bars.
But I am ABSOLUTELY against government regulation of smoking in public places.
If I walked into that smoky venue, I’d simply turn to my wife and say, “Sally, we can’t stay here, let’s find another place to eat.”
But I’m an adult who recognizes that he has a health problem, not a stupid ass liberal who thinks bars should be forced to ban smoking.
You stupid ass liberals don’t seem to understand that all those big taxes that have been passed to extort money from smokers to pay for extra Medicaid and Medicare are predicated on smokers actually being able to, well, SMOKE.
And those taxes are a smokescreen (heh…I said “smokescreen”) anyway. Smokers won’t benefit from those extra taxes — smokers typically die before non-smokers, typically after short illnesses (heart attacks, strokes and cancer are usually pretty quick in comparison to, say, Alzheimer’s Disease) and it’s actually NON-smokers’ end of life costs that are breaking government-paid health insurance.
So basically,, stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.