“Corvée labor, a/k/a ‘community service.'”

John Derbyshire hits the nail on the head.
He’s talking about Obama’s national service concept where apparently everyone is going to be dragooned, er, persuaded, to take part in community service.
First of all, since I haven’t been convicted of anything, I resent being told I have to do community service.
Secondly, I spend more damn time volunteering every week than Barack Hussein Obama his own bad self probably has done in his entire life. (Being paid for “volunteering” doesn’t count.)
The private sector handles volunteerism much better than the government. The government needs to butt the hell out of this arena. This is just another liberal fascist scheme to destroy the fabric of our society and our communities.
The government is not in charge of my time or any altruistic notions I might have, and they can kiss my ass if I’ll ever agree to let them be.