Inline Spam … from Rush

I still enjoy listening to Rush, but these “inline” ads he’s doing for all his sponsors are really beginning to piss me off. If I hear him slide from an impassioned plea for people to realize what we are about to let our government do to us into an ad for Rinnai tankless water heaters, or LifeLock, or Zicam, or Carbonite, or Sleep Number beds, about one more time, I’m going to fucking scream.
I realize he lives or dies by advertising, but this new wrinkle is just plain damn annoying. Maybe his advertisers ought to consider buying up all that time Obama’s been polluting on WIBC for the last two months.

One Reply to “Inline Spam … from Rush”

  1. Hey bro, I’m with you on the WIBC thing. Wonder if Smulyan is giving Obama the family discount since he’s such a proud democrat. Probably not, he’s a smart business man, he knows hardly anybody that listens to WIBC is going to vote for Uhbama.
    Google up Smulyan sometime and see what kind of vitriole he catches from his leftist comrades (especially dumbass/democrat underground). Scathing.

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