The only thing surprising is how long its taken this to show up

Gallup poll says that the battle for Congress suddenly looks competitive.
I’ve been saying for some time that I couldn’t imagine how the Dumbs could possibly believe that they’re going to hang onto Congress, and add seats to boot to make a veto-proof majority. The present Congress is disdained by the people of this country to begin with (see earlier polls putting them 10 or more points lower than the president — one that even dropped them into single digits), and if people start swinging from Obama to McCain, the down-ballot races are going to start switching as well. As Gallup observes,

With only 18% of Americans in August saying they approve of the job Congress is doing, similar to the average 20% approval rating for Congress all year, the Democrats in Congress have additional cause for concern. This scant level of approval could signal that voters are in the mood for change, disproportionately hurting Democratic incumbents.

Uh huh.
The Palin choice and the fact that McCain’s campaign has been swinging with both fists ever since the convention makes it less and less likely that the Dumbs will get their veto-proof majority. I can see them possibly retaining a numeric majority but not getting to 2/3 in both houses.
Via Instapundit.