Ha, y’all

Per standard doctrine, I never post that we’re leaving on vacation until we, like, get back.
It was a week in Florida. Hot, humid, lots of driving behind blue-haired old ladies (what is it about Naples, you drive and drive and drive and never get anywhere), no decent frickin’ wifi anywhere. Somehow we managed to drive our rented Chrysler 300 nearly 600 miles in 7 days.
I did get four new Hawaiian shirts I think a lot of.
And we ate a LOT of food. Buzz’s Lighthouse Restaurant. Café Luna. McCabe’s Irish Pub & Grill. Rib City. Mel’s Diner (of course). Jason’s Deli up on Vanderbilt. 3 G’s Deli in Delray Beach (yes, we drove to the Atlantic Coast for deli and flea markets again). Kilwin’s (the best damn ice cream you ever ate).
And I have to mention Publix. Because we always get food there for breakfasts and lunches, and I swear that crappy little Publix across from the Coastland Center Mall has got more stuff than any Marsh or Kroger store I ever shopped in. Can we please trade Kroger for Publix?
The best part of the trip was flying business class both ways. Hello fat seats and free booze. Ironically, I’m terrified of flying, but I suck it up to go to Florida. The fat seats and the free booze help.
Actually, I lied. The best part of the trip was totally ignoring Clinton, Obama, and McCain for a week. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on and I’m sort of at the point where I just don’t give a shit. Fuck ’em all.
The worst part of the trip was breaking my glasses in the terminal before we got on the plane in Indy. (They just snapped in half when I reached up to straighten them on my nose. Oh well — this was the third set of lenses el cheapo mi has had in them and I’m sure they were due.) Since I’m a) blind and b) have the over-40 disease, wearing my sunglasses all the way to Fort Myers meant no reading for Mr. I’ll Read Anything With Print On It. Luckily, we were able to schedule an eye exam at the Bonita Lenscrafters for about an hour after we landed, and they in turn were able to make my glasses by 7PM that night. I was fairly shocked, because I’d always been told my prescription couldn’t be made in an hour. Bonus: For the new frames, Sally picked me out some stylin’ black Ray-Bans. So that all turned out just fine in the end. And I spent the entire flight back reading Liberal Fascism and getting that much madder at Clinton, Obama, and McCain, and refreshing my hatred of FDR. More bonus: Having been a Woodrow Wilson hater for years, but the First World War era not being an area of particular interest for me, I couldn’t remember exactly why I hated him so much. Thanks, Jonah, for reminding me what a fucking fascist asshole he was.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting for awhile. Work is busy and some other things I’ve gotten myself involved in are calling for my free time. We’ll see.