What a fabulous idea.

MEMPHIS, Tennessee — A Tennessee mother fed up with her daughter’s misbehavior took an unusual tack in for latest punishment, making her stand on a busy street corner with an attention-getting sign.
Tashara Wilkins, 13, held a sign Sunday reading, “I don’t obey my parents, I’m a liar. I steal from my mom. I have a bad attitude.”
“All other resources haven’t worked, so I’m making her be publicly humiliated today,” mother Cherie Wilkins told WMC-TV in Memphis. “I hope this works for her. I love my child. … I could be beating her to death, but I’m not.”
She said her daughter’s bad attitude Sunday morning led to the public display.
Tashara said having to wear her offenses was eye-opening.
“It might even work,” she said. “I’m gonna start (behaving better) because I don’t want to be standing out here with everybody looking at me like I’m crazy with this sign.”
The mother said her daughter would go to church Tuesday night wearing the sign.

Now if they can just keep the family services people from snatching the child away from her family, under the pretense of protecting her from abuse.