Fat Pat blows hard again

“If any corporate citizens don’t want to participate (in property tax relief), then they’re really not good citizens.”
Remember that in November 2008. That’s the Speaker of the Indiana House, saying that corporations who object to an increase in their already 14th-highest tax rate in the nation are wreckers, because the state is losing too much money on property tax relief for middle-class homeowners.
Boo fucking hoo.
The problem with Democrats is that they are constitutionally unable to grasp the fact that lower tax rates result in higher revenues. It worked for Reagan and it worked for Bush (although the media totally ignored or mischaracterized the Bush recovery from the Clinton recession and the events of 9/11). That’s all I need to know.
Do we really want our corporations taxed at the same rate as they are in Taxachussetts?
You are a foolish man, Pat Bauer…and that rug you’re wearing only makes it worse. Perhaps if you were more one with your hair loss, you’d understand baldly why sparser, not thicker taxes are the best solution to the states revenue problem.
Oh, and the Governor thinks this is a good idea, too. Thank God I’ll be voting Republi…what? The Governor is a Republican? And he’s for raising taxes on business? Nah, you must be wrong. There’s no way Mitch can actually be a Republican.