Sure, why not a cabinet post? Ridge gets the power to make real change; Congress gets the power to subpoena his testimony. Sounds like a win-win.
I loved Rush’s idea yesterday on how to get control of the Senate back — appoint Charlie Schumer as the first Secretary of Homeland Defense 🙂
God knows our borders are porous, our various levels of government don’t talk to each other, and we spent an inordinate amount of time worrying about why we didn’t prevent 9/11 when we should be looking ahead to what might happen today or tomorrow. I liked Peggy Noonan’s column on this today. She said essentially what I’ve been saying ever since the congressional investigation started. I’ve long been of the opinion that the several Pearl Harbor investigations that occurred before the war was even fairly begun were a mistake, and primarily aimed at discrediting FDR (who is not my favorite president by a long shot, but you simply don’t do this sort of thing while a war is on). The present hearings seem focused on assigning blame to the President and his men more than they are on making real working changes. Maybe we do need a reorganization, but we don’t need congressional finger-pointing to obscure and obfuscate the central issue.