Tempest in a Stadium

I saw a post yesterday arguing that the kerfuffle over the weekend regarding Colin Kaepernick and his asshole position on the National Anthem and the American flag was just more distraction — what else was going on in the news that this was running cover for? More Hillary emails? More Iranian perfidy? Who knows.*

I’ll admit that Mr. Kaepernick has every right to sit for the National Anthem and claim it’s because of some vaguely-defined brand of oppression that for him the flag seems to represent.

But you don’t get to do that in a vacuum when you’re a celebrity. And when the vast majority of the country believes you’re full of beans, they’re going to tell you about it, regardless of how self-important you are. And that’s going to hit the news, big time, because you’re an overpaid jackass who makes his money playing a game.

As far as what else was going on while this little screaming match played out, anyone with half a brain who can read a newspaper past page A1 could probably figure that out for themselves: Obama is still an incompetent disgrace, Hillary is still a crook, and Trump is still a boor. So it goes.

And so, Mr. Kaepernick: Phhhbbbbbbbbbbbt!

Now, back to real news.


* Although admittedly, Donald Trump ought to be running that clip non-stop till it wears out.  It’s a great indictment of Democrat politics that have been running this country for years.