Is it just me

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or does it seem like Hamas has big brass ones making "demands" in negotiations to end the suffering, fighting, and dying going on in its own home base?*

Israel has purely kicked Hamas butt, exposed Hamas lies, and beaten the crap out of Gaza in the process.  When you are beat down that far, you don't make demands, you ask, "What can we do that will make you stop?"

The WSJ article linked makes a big deal out of the double-digit Israeli casualties and the 24-hour closure of Israeli air space.  But both of these pale in comparison to the destruction that rained down on Gaza, purely and entirely because a bandit terrorist organization that doesn't even begin to represent the polity of Gaza -- it "rules" vice the "official" Palestinian Authority purely by force and fear -- decided to take a knife to a gunfight.

The first and only concession that Hamas needs to make is to lay down arms and march out under Israeli auspices for internment in detention camps, where their future disposition can be determined.  The PA, bad as it is, needs to reassert its political authority and restore order to the territory.  After that, any further "demands" should be made by the Israelis and the Egyptians.  The UN needs to sit back and relax, since they're worse than useless anyway.

* That, oh, by the way, Hamas itself is 100% responsible for having provoked?  Don't poke a Lion of Judah with a sharp stick. He won't like it, and in the end, neither will you.

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