Fix the problem, not the agency.

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The entire problem with the IRS would go away if we had the political balls to repeal the 16th Amendment and end the tax on personal income once and for all. 

Taxes on corporate income also should go straight to the shitter, because corporations don't pay taxes.  Corporations raise their prices and transfer money out of their customers' pockets to the IRS.  Any corporation that says otherwise is lying, because the prices for its products are set through the annual budgeting process.  If income is less than outgo, prices have to rise.

Anyone who whines that repealing these taxes would mean that the government wouldn't have enough money to support its necessary functions should be forced to take a class in US Constitution 101.  My guess is that government run strictly under Constitutional bounds, without penumbras and emanations and other magical trickery, would probably cost 10% of what it costs today.  But then, we don't really know what our government costs, do we?  We can hazard a guess (as PJ O'Rourke once famously did:  "More than you can shake a stick at, plus the stick"), but Congress keeps refusing to pass a budget and/or the President keeps refusing to sign it.

Kill them all.  God will know his own.

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The commie-in-chief started in on how we do not tax the rich enough and how we do not tax companies and big corporations enough rhetoric again this week. Why is it so hard to understand that no buiness pays taxes?

Left-leaning idiots like the Governor of New York decry "tickle down" while offering tax breaks to any company that relocates to his State. DUH.

hell, at this point I would be satisfied with a flat tax for individuals and let the IRS manage a postcard from each of us. I know this, if their was ever enough brave Congressmen they would get rid of employer withholding. Then there would be a march on Washington beginning on April 16. There are plenty of stupid Americans who actually believe the government is giving them money when they get a "tax refund".

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