's a mystery!

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We went out for dinner last night around 6:30PM and apparently IMPD was up to something.  They had patrol cars parked with lights flashing at 79th and Harcourt, 79th and Covey, 79th and Township Line, Township Line and Dugan, and (looking down Dugan toward Harcourt) either Dugan and Naab or Dugan and Harcourt.  There was also a chopper in the air, and it was not the LifeLine helicopter coming in to the Hospital of the Three Birds.  In other words, a square section of town was being cordoned off for some unknown reason, although it was a passive cordon; they were letting traffic through unmolested, but were apparently looking for something (or someone) specific.  No indication on the local snooze channels as to what was up.

Fast forward to this morning, and I wake up at 6AM to the sound of another chopper.  Surely they have not been out there all night. 

Nope.  And don't call me Shirley.

So WTF had IMPD's pants in a bunch last night?  Was there a similar incident or a report of suspicious goings-on?

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