Zip codes and credit cards

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So Insty points to this article that suggests you shouldn't ought to give a merchant your ZIP code number when performing a credit card transaction, because they might be using it to create an eeevil marketing list.

Yeah, I get that.  I've always been leery of giving a sales clerk my phone number or ZIP code. Lowe's used to ask for it all the time, for both cash and credit transactions, and I gave them my wife's cell number (she gave them mine) or my number at work (complete with Maryland area code).  Then they started asking for ZIP codes, and I gave them 46201.  Finally I started telling them they didn't need that information.  And now I guess it's been a couple of years since they asked me at all...possibly because of the California Supreme Court ruling mentioned in the article.

I still get a little hacked at being asked for a ZIP code by an automated gas pump, but I recognize that it's probably being used to verify that I am in fact the legitimate holder of the card.  If that's the case I have no problem with it.  I should note that the merchant account I use to collect money via credit card for one of my organizations requires that I collect street address and ZIP code for verification, but not city/state or phone number.

If it enhances security, I don't really have a problem with it.  If it is being done simply to compile a marketing list, they can kiss my ass.

And the guy who locked the door on the customer who was just trying to make a return?  He should never work in retail again.

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