What concerns me about the repeal of DOMA


is that nobody seems to be saying anything about protecting the religious, speech, and association rights of people who belong to religious groups that abominate same-sex relationships.*

It will be interesting to see if all this claimed support for gay marriage will be limited to civil unions, or if there's going to be an all-out push to force conservative denominations to solemnize same-sex religious unions, too.

Frankly, if Bob and Jay want to go downtown and buy a marriage license and have a judge say "yes, you're married", more power to them.  If some liberal priestess or minister wants to solemnize that marriage, rock and roll.

But any attempt to force religious institutions to do the same is going to have to be firmly opposed on 1st Amendment grounds.

Frankly, it would probably be best if the government went out of the business of regulating marriage in the first place.  Let those who want to marry, marry.  Just don't expect a Catholic priest or an Orthodox Jewish rabbi to officiate, and don't threaten their institutional tax exemption when they refuse.

EDIT 6/30 to add: http://reason.com/archives/2013/06/28/lets-divorce-marriage-from-the-governmen .  Yep.


* Not to mention multiple-partner ones.  So let's just pretend I didn't mention them.


Nathan, you know that is exactly where it is going. Within a few years your local Baptist Church is going to be sued for refusing to do a gay marriage. The left will not be happy until we are a godless society.

You are obviously one of those people who think the Jews own the media and the Masons are running the planet.

Or maybe you just wish you were. lol.

All we can do, Nathan, is to stand shoulder to shoulder and try to stop the beast that so few of us can see clearly. I will always be at your shoulder.

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