Screw the Singularity

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This is the Apocalypse.

Chrysler refuses US request to recall vehicles

Remember how we all used to be afraid of our government?

The video two posts below begins to put the lie to that.  Then VMan comes out of hiding and asserts that Americans are likely to start telling the IRS to go fuck itself when audited, calling our current state of affairs "bigger than Shay's Rebellion"...and now a major US automaker (owned by Italians, but still a US automaker) tells the NHTSA to bugger off when NHTSA claims that the Jeep Cherokee is nothing more than a Ford Pinto.

And the Obama administration is in turmoil because it is suddenly figuring out that people really don't like to be told what to do, especially when it's by their government.

Pardon me while I go grab some popcorn and a Big Gulp.  The last act of this farce is going to be good.

PS:  I'm also curious just exactly how the IRS thinks it can ignore Congress with impunity.  It occurs to me that Congress could do quite a bit to embellish its tehsuck popularity amongst the populace if it were to order the Capitol Police to go occupy and secure IRS headquarters for a thorough investigation and house-cleaning.

PPS:  Well, OK, forget what I said about the Capitol Police.

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