Why does Hardees need to have loudly-blaring TV sets in their restaurants at 8:00 in the morning?

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I read this at Instapundit and flashed back to this morning when I was trying to enjoy my bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and read my paper of news while truly awful and distracting music blared just over my head.  Hardees is not content to simply have the TV sets turned on, no; they have installed ceiling speakers all over the restaurant for those who prefer to sit farther away from the sets.

While I understand to some extent that the TVs are being used as a way to drill into your head that Hardees is where you want to eat, I'd submit that they're aiming their programming at the wrong demographic -- at least at breakfasttime.  While annoying compressed angsty teenager music poured from the sets this morning, I took a moment to look around and check out that demographic -- and almost to a man (and woman) it was all over 40.

The next time I'm in there I think I'm going to ask them to turn it down.  And if they don't, I may simply choose not to eat there anymore.



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