Sign the petition

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we petition the obama administration to:

We ask President Obama to support law abiding gun owners in this time of tragedy.

We ask President Obama to stand with law abiding gun owners in this time of tragedy. Guns laws could not have prevented Adam Lanza from killing 27 innocents. The real question is what made this disturbed young man into a murderer of children. Where is the outrage at the violent video games he played? A piece of plastic and steel doesn't have a will Mr. President. Evil is not law abiding, and Adam Lanza stole those guns after failing to buy one legally. it is America's law abiding gun owners who would have died with Victoria Soto and Dawn Hochsprung defending the children with only our bodies on December 14th, because it was already illegal to bring a gun into that school. Please don't pander to the politics Mr. President. A feeding frenzy of new gun legislation is not the answer.

I'm signer #47,482.

As Bobbi says, "Yeah, you'll probably get put on a list but you know what? You already are."

(And read Bobbi's entire post, too.)

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