Not getting the point, part gazillion and six.

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The fishwarp ran this cartoon on its editorial page today.  (Can't find it on their website; I love how the web edition never seems to actually carry the same stuff they so boldly print on dead trees.)

I suggest that the cartoonist doesn't get the point.  Yeah, fine; paint Romney as a rich fat cat who rides in a chauffered limosine and doesn't worry about living paycheck to paycheck, and humorously (?) depict him telling his driver to tell some poor out-of-work schlub that Obama is out of touch.

But who do you think creates jobs, Mr. Weygand?  Isn't it people like Mitt Romney, who have the money that it actually takes to create real, meaningful, lasting and permanent jobs?

Because I don't see the gummint creating much in the way of lasting or meaningful employment for anybody.  And that's why Obama is out of touch:  Either he doesn't understand that the free money from the taxpayers and Chinese banks isn't going to last forever, or he does in fact understand it and is intentionally running the country into the ground as fast as he can.

"The economy is doing fine."  Yeah, if you're a Commie rat bastard who's bent on reducing the United States to a pauper nation.  And since most of the rest of us aren't in favor of that, I'd definitely say it's Obama who's out of touch...not because he doesn't understand the plight of the "little people", but because he really doesn't seem to understand how close he and a lot of other people in government are to being tossed out on their ass for trying to destroy us.

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