Fuck Facebook and their fucking community “standards”.

This is exactly (with two word changes because it’s nobody’s business where I work) what I posted on Facebook earlier today, which was deleted because “it looks like spam and doesn’t follow our Community Standards.”

It is astounding how many so-called operations people have no idea how mail flows through their enterprise and have to ask us to hold their hand and explain it…usually over the phone.

The fact is, we have no idea how your mail routing works. Our software expects you to have that figured out already…and expects you to know how to fix it if it breaks.

It’s like when we tell people, “you need to set up an MX record in DNS pointing to server.yourdomain.com”, and instead of doing that, they set up an MX for their entire domain that points to our application server. (Yes…this happens several times a year.)

I yearn for the days of yesteryear when all those guys and gals who came up through mainframe shops actually knew what they were doing. 23 years is all it took for all that knowledge to retire and go away, leaving in their place over-promoted interns who spent most of their time reading USENET until someone said, “You! Yeah, you, geek! We need a new ops manager and you’re it.”

1440 days and a wakeup.

I see a lot worse posted by antifa and the Democrats, so I have to wonder a) what made this look like spam and b) how exactly did it violate Facebook’s precious Community Standards?

So, fuck Facebook.  Fuck Zuckerberg.  Fuck everyone who works for Facebook.  May Facebook be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels and be buggered by swarthy Middle Eastern men wearing robes and funny hats.

And I can say that here because FACEBOOK DOESN’T OWN THIS BLOG.