Cap and traitor, see ya later.

Sen. Jim Inhofe says the bill is DOA in the Senate.

We can only hope. The full story is here.

Inhofe said the much-anticipated conclusion of a Senate race in Minnesota that will give Democrats the 60 votes needed to overcome Republican filibusters would not be enough to save the climate change bill.

"I’ll tell you what a lot of people are thinking, and that is it looks like things are going to be over and we are going to get the clown from Minnesota," he said.

"They are not going to get more than 35 votes."

Asked if he was referring to Al Franken as the clown from Minnesota, Inhofe confirmed he was.

"I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I don’t know the guy, but … for a living he is a clown," the senator said.

"That’s what he does for a living."


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