blares the headline over the letter to the editor in Monday’s WSJ. A gentleman from Massachusetts opines that an op-ed from May 26 “notes that ‘many Democrats want to impeach Mr. Trump because they simply don’t like him.'”
He continues,
That’s a misleading oversimplification. Many Democrats (at least the ones I speak to) are happy to explain why they don’t like him. They don’t like him because he makes America unsafe, because of his disdain for important American principles (e.g., inclusiveness, heroism, respect, etc.), valued American institutions (the White House, FBI, science) and for his manifest disrespect for potential allies and essential friends. The president’s behavior, rather than making America great again, is weakening and defacing America’s integrity, making us more vulnerable.
OK, but what’s your point? Absolutely none of that refutes the statement from the op-ed, and proves once again that the Democrats who have been agitating for Mr. Trump’s impeachment since the day after the 2016 election really don’t understand what constitutes grounds for impeachment.
The fact is that nobody cares that you don’t like him. Hell, a lot of people who voted for him aren’t really all that fond of him. But what seems more ludicrous to me is that most of the shoe this fool gentleman wishes to fit to Donald Trump actually fits his predecessor much, much better. Let’s take this apart a bit.
He makes America unsafe: Obama drew a line in the sand in Syria and promptly wimped out when the Syrians crossed it. His SecState allowed the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi to be overrun by insurgents. We took out Osama bin Laden on his watch, but by all accounts, he just sort of stood around and watched while Seal Team 6 did the dirty work, and then took the credit. His “leaders” in the DoD left us less prepared to go to war (and more prepared to go to culture war) than we’ve been since before World War II. Our allies considered him a joke and borderline undependable. He clearly hated Israel and actively strove to undermine Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election bid. And of course, there’s the whole Iran “deal”. And the recognition of Cuba, which simply resulted in a bunch of our diplomatic folks having to come home because the US embassy there was being bombarded by sonic waves that made them all sick, and Trump finally bringing everyone home and suspending the opening Obama made.
Conversely, Mr. Trump has fearlessly asserted US interests in Syria and the WestPac (now known as the “Indo-Pacific”) and has called Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear bluff. Folks like the editorial staff of the WSJ think Trump is going to be steamrollered by Kim at the Singapore summit, but I suspect Kim is not going to like some of the things he hears at the summit table. Trump, not Obama, put ISIS on the run in Iraq and elsewhere. Whigning that “the plan was Obama’s” doesn’t wash, because Obama didn’t execute. Trump, not Obama, has developed excellent relations with reform-minded (and Israel-neutral, at least) Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia. Trump’s SecDef “Mad Dog” Mattis is demanding that the Pentagon shape up and that the services resume preparing for war rather than turning them into the Diversity and Inclusion Corps. Trump has got Vladimir Putin over an (oil) barrel and isn’t taking Putin’s shit, regardless of all the screaming about “collusion” from the left (and if they want to complain about collusion, let’s not forget Obama’s open-mic “after the election I’ll have more flexibility” gaffe). Trump is alternately kissing up to and smacking around the Chinese to the point where I don’t think they know if they’re coming or going, and while that can be dangerous, it’s still better than letting the Chinese get away with whatever they want. Hell, even the Japanese are growing some of their backbone back and getting themselves on a war footing, now that they have some assurance the Americans will not back down in the IndoPac.
The only thing I can think of that Trump is truly getting wrong is remaining in Afghanistan, but he didn’t make that mess, he’s just trying to clean it up.
Frankly, even if we go back into Cold War mode because Trump is asserting US global power, that’s fine with me. We’ve sat on our complacent asses spending the non-existent “peace dividend” for far too long.
His disdain for important American principles (e.g., inclusiveness, heroism, respect, etc.): Come on. This is Obama projection writ large. Obama never met an American principle he didn’t disdain. Any time he stepped up for Americanism, it was because it was part of his job, not because he believed in it. He certainly pooh-poohed the concept of American Exceptionalism, and his wife made it clear that the only thing that made her happy to be an American was the election of her worthless husband.
Trump, on the other hand, is all about American Exceptionalism. He includes everyone, doesn’t care if they’re white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Zoroastrian, gay, lesbian, what the hell ever. For goodness’ sake, his daughter married an Orthodox Jew. His only criteria is patriotism and a love of this country. He came down hard on the NFL anthem kneelers because he found their attitude unpatriotic and not a little rude to the people who were paying their inflated salaries. To this day, mediocre NFL player Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he is unrepentant and has cost the NFL billions of dollars and millions of fans — not because Donald Trump tweeted about what a jerk he is.
Trump is all about heroism. He supports our military and wants it to excel as it has in the past. He is deeply respectful of all of the things that make America great. He clearly dislikes cowards, traitors, and people who want to tear America off the pedestal it has occupied since it became the World’s Policeman after WWII.
Now, if someone would just take his Twitter account away…
[His disdain for] valued American institutions (the White House, FBI, science): Um, what? Apparently the Obamas left the White House in tatters, and Trump’s comments about the White House right after his inauguration were about infrastructure maintenance (the replacement/installation of new air conditioning ductwork, as I recall) that was making the House unlivable. Because the White House generally doesn’t get redecorated on the taxpayers’ dime, for people like the Obamas who don’t give a shit, it’s not a priority, and yeah, the place was probably fairly ratty after eight years of neglect.
The FBI…how do you write something like that with the shit that is coming out about the FBI? The inspector general’s report is apparently scathing. Things haven’t been this bad at the FBI since Hoover was running it. In fact, as bad as Hoover was, the folks who have been running the FBI for the last decade or so seem to have been even worse. How can you blame Donald Trump for “disdain” of the FBI when it’s starting to look like that’s an attitude mirrored by the majority of the citizenry?
And since when is “science” a “valued American institution”? Science in this country has been going to shit for years, turning into a biased handmaiden of diversity and the left. I note that the writer did not come right out and say “climate science”, because that’s really what has most people’s knickers in a knot. I disdain climate science, too, because it’s international propaganda bullshit aimed at making the US no better than any other shithole country in the world. And yes, there’s that word: “Shithole”. Which is what the Obamas were trying to make of America for eight years. So thank you Donald Trump for withdrawing us from the joke of a Paris Agreement.
[H]is manifest disrespect for potential allies and essential friends: Again, what? Sorry, again, that’s Obama projection. May one simply mention “Israel”? And one presumes that the writer thinks Iran was a potential ally and essential friend? Man, has he drunk the Kool-Aid, with extra-strength cyanide.
Donald Trump knows who our allies and friends are. Well…we don’t have any friends. Because there are no friends in global diplomacy. We have allies, of course. But anyone who has ever studied American Diplomatic History (raises hand) knows, nobody is our friend, and we should not be acting as if they are — not even the “special relationship” Brits. Trump’s genius is that he knows how to pat an ally on the back until the tip of a hidden knife blade appears from between his fingers and pricks the ally’s skin — and then he promises to remove the blade if the ally will simply agree with him that America’s interests come first.
I keep trying to tell people that you have to evaluate Trump as a businessman — not as a politician. Politicians are always hail-fellow-well-met types or they don’t succeed in politics. Trump is not a politician. He’s a businessman and he makes deals. You make business deals by making an offer that’s probably outrageous in some way, the other side counters with something a little less outrageous, and then you meet somewhere in the middle. If other countries truly understood how Trump is trying to use tariffs, we wouldn’t be dancing around the edge of a trade war. But with Trump, it’s always about the Deal, and the Deal is always negotiable.
The president’s behavior, rather than making America great again, is weakening and defacing America’s integrity, making us more vulnerable. Nah. This is the Democrat/progressive short view. They can’t take the long view anymore because they’ve weakened their intellectual chops so badly as a result of their Gramscian march through the institutions. They simply aren’t capable of pulling all of the things Trump is doing together and seeing how there is going to be some short-term pain for long-term gain. But that’s what has to be done, because frankly, the progs have dropped us so deeply into the pit that we’re going to be a while getting out of it.
What the progs really want is a third Obama term, and they thought Hillary! was going to give it to them. The American people seem to be a little smarter than that. Although in fairness, the progs’ champion ran a pretty poor campaign for someone who’s been in politics for most of her life. Must be pretty harsh to get beaten by a guy who’d never run for a political office in his life.
The bottom line here is that it looks to me like Mr. Lawrence H. Climo of Lincoln, Massachusetts, simply made Allen Guelzo’s (the author of the original op-ed) case for him, viz., “Many Democrats want to impeach Mr. Trump because they simply don’t like him.” Mr. Climo has brought absolutely nothing to the table to refute that and has made himself and his compatriots simply look more petulant and silly than Mr. Guelzo intended.
Progressive Trump Derangement Syndrome. On second thought, let us not go there. ‘Tis a silly place.