There is no cause to split the country.

I’ve seen a lot of red state folks, lately, talking about how maybe it’s time to simply let the blue states go their own way.

I disagree.  I don’t see any call for that at all.  Here is the current House of Representatives electoral map as posted at Real Clear Politics, right now (1053, 11/11/2020):

Most of the land mass is red.  Doesn’t mean most of the population is, but if you cut out those blue areas and let them become their own country (or probably “countries”), where do they get their food?  Where is their industry?  How do the interior blue areas get goods shipped to them?  (By air?  Too expensive in the long run.)

Not even California is fully blue.  Most of the area away from the coast is red.  And that’s where most of the food comes from.  Not to mention the water.

And look at most of the two land borders.  Mostly red.

There’s a map Brad Torgeson (the science fiction writer) likes to point out regarding the 2016 election.  He calls it the “Clinton Archipelago.”  I believe it’s based on the county-level returns, not for the House of Representatives, but no matter:

I say “no matter”, because it looks pretty much the same, doesn’t it?

Then there’s TrumpLand (again, based on 2016 numbers), with all the food, industry, and resources, and no areas cut off from other areas:

So, really, you’re talking about something that’s pretty impractical when you talk about dividing up the country between the blues and the reds.

Like it or not, we’re all Americans, and we’re going to have to (re-)learn how to live together — even if that means a bunch of people are going to have to suddenly find out what a civil war is really like.  I mean, I live in a blue city with a blue wife, but if the blue cities suddenly get cut off, we’re not so far from a red county that we couldn’t quickly relocate.  And we would.

But I don’t want to live in Friday’s world.  And neither should you.

Trump, savior? Give me a break.

Donald Trump is not an angel or a savior. He is simply a leader of men and women, flawed and imperfect, but with that golden vision of a shining city on a hill. Whether he has selfish motives in leading us there is immaterial. He wants America, and Americans, to be free.  He believes in America.  He is a true patriot.

We are taught that even Moses had his faults, yet he was G-d’s chosen instrument to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt and to the very gateways of the Promised Land.  So beloved of G-d was this flawed man that He closed Moses’ eyes with His own Hand, and likewise buried him; “and no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.”

Are we humans, then, so perfect that we cannot accept this flawed man, Donald Trump, as our leader?  I think not.

I, too, was against Trump before I was for him. I held my nose in 2016 when I entered the voting booth and cast a vote for him. I shan’t be holding my nose this time; as in 2016, the choice is clear.

“I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed.”

Trump wants us to live in freedom.  The Democrats promise nothing but chains and hardship.

Therefore, choose life.

Choose Trump.

Hubris, meet Nemesis

It’s being pointed out elsewhere, and has been ever since last Friday, but there is a plain and simple fact that the Democrats choose to ignore:

Ginsburg could have retired under Obama prior to the 2014 election, and easily been replaced by a young Progressive female jurist who could have served 30-40 years.

Her hubris was such — and so was that of the Democrats — that all she had to do was hang in till Hillary was elected in 2016, then retire, etc.  Because even after the GOP took the Senate back in 2014, history suggests they would have approved an Obama appointee without a whole lot of fuss after a Democrat won in 2016.  He might have had to appoint someone a little less progressive than he would have liked, and they would have had to wait until the smoke cleared from the election, but overall, he could have locked that seat in for a couple of generations at minimum.  (There’s precedent to approve a presidential nomination after that president goes out of office, so his nominee could potentially have been approved under a Hillary Clinton presidency, even if actual history shows McConnell felt it was important to wait and not hold hearings on Merrick Garland until after the 2016 election because a) Obama was a lame duck, and b) his party did not hold the Senate, which two items in combination have never resulted in a Supreme Court nomination by the lame duck president being approved.)

Moreover, her hubris was such that she believed she could roll the dice one more time on her cancer and beat it until after the 2020 election, while in the meantime doing the American public a disservice by remaining in office when she was unable to fulfill her duties.

Her nemesis was Donald Trump.  And even without Trump, as soon as Hillary became the nominee, there was no way in hell Mitch McConnell was going to let Obama and Hillary have their way on a Supreme Court nomination before the election.  And holding the Senate majority made that possible, and not only possible, but historically inevitable.

In addition, Trump holds a position Obama did not — he’s not a lame duck, and his party controls the Senate.  And because Harry Reid destroyed the filibuster in 2013 — something Mitch McConnell warned him would come back around and bite the Democrats in the ass — seven short years later, Trump is going to get another Supreme Court appointment whether he gets re-elected or not.  Because if you don’t think the GOP majority in the Senate is not being kept closely apprised of the debate over who will eventually be nominated, and won’t be willing to hold perfunctory hearings and rubber-stamp whoever Trump ends up nominating, you have another think coming.  Because if I were Trump (and I think he’s smarter than me when it comes to this sort of thing), I’d be on the phone to McConnell two or three times a day discussing how this is going to work.

Collusion?  You bet your ass.  But all-American collusion, the kind Barry and Hills don’t know how to do because they’re too busy chumming up to international socialists and plotting how to take America down a notch or twenty.

In the end, this really shouldn’t even be a question of politics.  The Supreme Court has become far too important, which threatens the stability of the three-cornered government the Framers created, in which three co-equal branches did their assigned thing and cooperated in order to maintain the stability and well-being of the Republic.  You could make the case that Marbury vs. Madison threw that out the window only 14 years after the Constitution was ratified, when John Marshall his own bad self decided that the Court had the power of review over what the other two branches do.  In retrospect, John Marshall probably should have been taken out and hanged from the nearest convenient lamppost along with his concurring brethren, because that supposed power appears nowhere in the Constitution and was created entirely out of whole cloth by Marshall.  And it turned the Court into a political wrecking ball, which has only gotten bigger and heavier and worse ever since, what with justices and even judges in inferior courts legislating from the bench in a manner that was never envisioned by the Framers.

If not for the tension between the Executive and the Legislature that has existed for more years than I like to think about, the Court would not be important, and wouldn’t be something that could be put in play as it has been at least since Reagan nominated Robert Bork — a massively-qualified legal mind beaten to death by Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  (Although it may have been just as well — some of his statements toward the end of his life suggested to me that he might have become a squish like Anthony Kennedy.)

In the end, though, it comes down to the fact that Ginsburg lacked sufficient humility to understand that in politics, nothing is either permanent or certain, and that she should have had the grace and sense to retire at a reasonable point after her first pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2009, and let Obama replace her with a Democrat while he had the ability and his party held the majority in the Senate to do that.

That she followed whence her hubris led her, well, sucks to be the Democrats, right now.  As Omar Khayyám memorably put it,

“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

History is history, bitches.  You can’t change it.  Not a moment of it.  And nobody can predict the future.

Blame yourselves, commies.

Democrats, socialists, communists, and progressives (but I repeat myself repeatedly) are now screaming, in the wake of the RBG…er…RPG that’s been fired into their ranks, that the Senate must not consider any Supreme Court nomination before the election.  They base this off Cocaine Mitch’s refusal to consider Barack Obama’s last attempt to nominate a Supreme Court justice just prior to Obama going out of office in January 2017.  But the situation is completely different.

  • First of all, the obvious:  Trump, not currently term-limited as Obama was, may (probably will, at this point, but don’t get cocky) be re-elected.  So why wait to fill the vacancy?
  • Second, we may need that vacancy filled stat, if the election is close enough — close enough for the Democrats, et al., to cheat, that is.
  • Third, the Democrats, et al., don’t have the votes to stop it.  They don’t (currently) control the Senate.  (Of course, they might be able to flip some GOP squishes, but the GOP squishes need to consider what their situation is going to be if Trump is re-elected.  Because after the election, Trump will have more flexibility (where have we heard that before?), and the squishes may find themselves out in the cold.  My attitude is the GOP stalwarts need to put some spine into the squishes…and make it clear that they’re going to be considered second-class senators without any support for anything they want for the next four years if they don’t get with the program.  If I were the GOP, I’d be laying plans to replace these assholes ASAP anyway.
  • Finally, if you think the Democrats wouldn’t take advantage of a situation like this, you’re smoking something funky and need to lay off the THC.

Quite frankly, if Trump is re-elected and doesn’t invoke the Insurrection Act immediately after, I’m going to be sorely disappointed.  But that’s another story and a post for another time.

Mr. McConnell, tear down this impeachment.

SCOTUS: No Articles of Impeachment or a Trial Are Required For The Senate to Acquit President Trump

[T]he Supreme Court has ruled – in the Nixon case [Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224 (1993)] – that how the Senate goes about acquitting or convicting any impeached person is non-justiciable, in that the Senate’s power is plenary and the Supreme Court may not even review it.

This means that if the Senate acquits Trump immediately – without a trial – the Supreme Court has no authority, whatsoever, to review the Senate’s acquittal, and there isn’t a damn thing the House can do about it.

Which means that the Dems arguing that Trump hasn’t been impeached yet and the Senate must wait for the articles to be “transmitted” are a bunch of lying sacks of shite.

That SCOTUS ruling, by the way, was 9-0. Even the liberal Democrats then on the court concurred.

It’s time to end this farce, Mr. McConnell. The Senate must take action. Bring it to the floor and proceed to a vote.

The term is public SERVANT, not public master.

The whigning and wringing of hands over the fact that a shitload of federal employees won’t get paid tomorrow…I mean…

You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh and laugh and laugh.

Do you know what it meant to be a federal employee back before federal employee unions were legalized?

Does the fact that some federal employees once had PX privileges at Army bases tell you anything?

Does the fact that entire businesses were created exclusively to serve federal employees?  Ever hear of Fedco?  How about GEICO?  USAA?

Fedco is the acronym for “Federal Employees Distributing Company”.  A $10 lifetime membership got you into this proto-Costco, a non-profit consumer’s cooperative, that was created by 800 US Post Office employees, to “leverage their buying power by purchasing goods directly from wholesalers, and eliminate the additional markup of a retail store.”  Why did they do that?  The Wikipedia article doesn’t say, but I’ll fill in the blanks:  In 1948, when Fedco started, federal employee salaries sucked.  The Fedco co-op was a way for those employees to save money by buying at wholesale as a group.

GEICO, that annoying insurance company with the gecko spokesman?  Government Employees Insurance Company.  Founded in 1936 to provide affordable auto insurance to government employees.  It didn’t start insuring the general public until 1974.

USAA, the United Services Automobile Association, same thing.  Founded by 25 US Army officers in 1922 as a mutual self-insurance company for army personnel, who generally had problems obtaining auto insurance because they were deemed “high-risk”.  While it did offer some limited civilian products for a few years (2009-2013), and certain federal law enforcement and foreign service people have been considered eligible in the past, their current market is really focused on the serving military and their immediate families.  (USAA also does banking services, and they are really pissing people off right now during the current fedgov shutdown, in which they aren’t offering to float members’ checks like they have done in past shutdowns, and are offering only a one-time loan that’s being refused to even high-credit score customers.)

All of these companies (and probably others) began life because federal employees used to be POOR.  They were paid like shit, like the military still is.  It wasn’t until federal employee unions were legalized — something that both FDR and JFK, contrary to the fact that they were liberal Democrats, inveighed against — that federal salaries started to rise to equity with private salaries, and of course, quickly overtook them and drove right on past to the point where federal employees are often the best paid (some would say most overpaid) people in the country.

While I don’t begrudge a full-time employee of any business or industry a living wage, federal employees are a different type of animal.  They are public servants, or are supposed to be.  A fedgov job should not mean a life of luxury in the DC suburbs.  In most cases it probably shouldn’t even be a career, given that most of the bureaucracy is a horrific taxpayer burden at best and unConstitutional on its face at its worst.  But I digress.

Fedgov employees, by and large, have been living off the fat of the land for a long time.  You’d think at some point they would have considered living modestly and putting some of that fat away for the hard times.  How many times has the government been shut down in the past couple of decades?  The very election of Donald Trump, who was elected on a platform of draining the swamp, should have been a signal to a lot of fedgov folks that it was time to lie low and store up grain for famine years.  But like the grasshoppers most of them are, now they’re facing a missed paycheck tomorrow because Trump won’t back down on the Wall.  I find it really hard to do anything but laugh about that.  Fuck ’em.  Embrace the suck of being a poor public servant rather than a rich public master.*

Their only saving grace may be that Pelosi and Schumer are now looking for a way out, because Trump is not backing down and it’s clear as day that Pelosi and Schumer and the Democrats are the ones blocking the way forward not only to working border control, but also to all those whigning fedgovers having a chance of getting paid for the next few weeks or months.

Let’s face it — when even uber-proggie Cher is telling Pelosi not to “die on this hill”, and “let [Trump] have his money”, maybe the crazy Left is finally beginning to understand that prolonging the shutdown over the Wall — the Wall being quite popular with a majority of Americans, the last time I looked at a poll — is not going to do the Democrats any favors in the run-up to 2020.

Come on, Chuck and Nancy — let’s protect our own citizens for once.  Swallow hard, and give the President what he and most of the rest of the country want.


* As Velociman once trenchantly put it, “No public servant should ever be able to threaten a citizen with anything other than a poor shoe shine.”

Why do the heathen rage?

Mostly it’s because they can’t quit Donald Trump.

And what I mean by that is, the left screams its head off every time Donald Trump says something, does something, or tweets something.  Trump has a press conference?  REEEEEEEEE.  Trump nominates a Supreme Court justice?  REEEEEEEEE.  Trump tweets?  REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I think back to the last president I actually paid any attention to, and it had to be Reagan.  I’d tune in to presidential press conferences and addresses to the nation and even the State of the Union because I loved hearing that voice — cultured, sonorous, measured, intelligent — and even more loved hearing what that voice was saying.

Bush 41 was a wannabe in Reagan’s shoes, Clinton was a good ol’ boy redneck hack, Bush 43 was a nice guy and said a lot of good things but in the end was ineffective, and Obama was a commie who hated America.  Not much to listen to with any of those guys; I could get the gist from the conservative commentators in places like National Review and The American Spectator (before both magazines went down the toilet).

But the bottom line was I never paid much attention to what they actually said, didn’t watch or listen to them say it, and so far as I was concerned they were generally just words on a page to me because they weren’t saying anything I really wanted to hear.

The proggie left, though, apparently spends a lot of its time watching, listening, and reading everything Donald Trump has to say or otherwise express, and it makes them absolutely go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!  And then they do stupid things, like beat up Republicans, run Republicans out of restaurants, throw bricks through the local GOP committee’s windows, run conservative speakers off campus, and (of all stupid things) block traffic on busy interstates with their bodies.  (Glenn Reynolds was 100% correct when he tweeted, “Run them down.”)

Oh, and running through Washington, DC, on Inauguration Day, vandalizing the hell out of things and then being surprised when they find out that in doing so, they’ve committed actual federal crimes with some serious jail time attached — and the local federal judges aren’t particularly interested in letting them off the hook, although most of them did end up having charges dropped for insufficient evidence.

I’m not one to make with advice to progs very often, but folks, you’d be a lot calmer and cooler-headed (and a lot more likely to influence the undecided and win elections) if you’d follow one simple rule:  Pay no attention to Donald Trump.

But far be it from me to correct the enemy when he’s making a mistake.

No, really. You should all be worried.

There’s a saying about fascism that’s always amused me — “The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.”*

I’ve long thought that there is a corollary:  “The dark night of political violence is always descending on the Republican Party and yet lands only on the Democratic Party.”

Physical attacks on members of the other party are not new in the American Republic.  If we count the Hamilton-Burr duel, they go clear back to the Founding.  Add in Preston Brooks and his caning of Charles Sumner in the Senate chamber.  Brooks, like Burr, was some form of Democrat (the Democratic Party of today is the descendant of earlier parties that we would consider leftist).  Brooks was also a slaveholder from South Carolina.

And while the above are fairly egregious and amount to cherry-picking on my part, the fact is that most political violence that has occurred in the United States has been engendered by the people of the Left.  Republicans since the Civil War have been pretty civil, all things considered.  Democrats have tended to be associated with unions, big city machines, and organized crime.  Of course there are exceptions to every rule, including this one.  But by and large, you can pick an act of American political violence at random and there’s a good chance that it was perpetrated by a leftist who more than likely associated with the Democratic Party.

The assassins of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy were all leftists of one stripe or another.  The attempted assassinations of Ford and Reagan were perpetrated by leftists.

The so-called “antifa” which smears the right with charges of fascism, is itself fascist in nature.  Facism, as I have explained MANY times on this blog, is a philosophy of the Left.  Ask Benito Mussolini where he got the idea.  Hint:  It was from an American President who fucked over this country almost more than Barack Obama.

But all of this pales in the recent attempts by leftists to intimidate (or, simply kill) Republican politicians.  The shooting by an avowed Bernie Sanders supporter at a GOP softball practice in which Congressman Steve Scalise was badly wounded.  The beating and near-crippling of Congressman Rand Paul by a neighbor, sketchily attributed to a spat about lawn care but more likely an act of political violence.  (Paul was also present at the GOP softball practice.)  The “soft” violence of the Kavanaugh accusations, which turned out to be a tissue of lies after the GOP leadership found its cajones and forced hearings and testimony under oath, followed by the resultant doxxing of several GOP Senate leaders by a former member of a Congressional Democrat’s staff.  The continued calls for violent behavior from the likes of Rep. Maxine Waters and Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker.  The abusive sexual antics of Senator Robert Menendez and Rep. Keith Ellison, which Democrats have tried to keep quiet and shoved in the closet while prating about the supposed kinks of Brett Kavanaugh.  And let’s not mention Bill Clinton and his sexual escapades (the Democrats are certainly trying to ignore them).

But let us not forget that the charges against Menendez, Ellison, and Clinton have evidence behind them.  The charges against Kavanaugh were clearly made up out of whole cloth.

The very idea that we should automatically believe a woman’s story when she claims rape, and toss the hoary old concepts of due process and “innocent until proven guilty” out the window — proposed by no less than the Senate Minority Leader — is an act of political violence against our very system of justice and law.**  This idea is no different than the idea that a university tribunal should be able to prosecute a rape case without any due process at all, and undoubtedly stems from the same Gramscian damage that affects our universities.

This is akin to what the Nazis did in Germany before World War II.  The GOP is accused constantly of being the new Nazi party and its leaders are always worse than Hitler.  Yet it seems that the Democrats who make these accusations are actually looking in the mirror and projecting their own faults onto the GOP for political gain.  The sheer evil of some of the social media postings I’ve seen emanating from American leftists suggest that the antifa folk and their ilk are simply the new Brown Shirts.  “Punch a Nazi,” indeed — they’re the Nazis.  At any rate, we’ve seen this movie before, and frankly, we’re sick and tired of it.

The sad thing is that the progressives are punching far above their own weight class, and we’re letting them get away with it.  They complain mightily about “white supremacists” and yet the very people against whom they inveigh can barely get a hundred people to show up for a “national” protest march in DC.  The Ku Klux Klan is dead, antifa boys and girls; the Civil Rights Act pretty much put paid to it, although vestiges do survive to this day.  But the effort to portray white supremacists as some sort of monolithic national fraternity consisting of millions of card-carrying members who are out to hold down the black man (and anyone else they can manage to hold down) got some traction, particularly when useful idiots in the South started clamoring to tear down monuments to old Confederate generals — and even some Union ones who happened to have held slaves at one point or another.  Shoot, even George Washington got mixed into the fray, even though he died just over 61 years before the first guns were fired at Sumter.  He was a slaveholder; that was sufficient.

And yet, the actual number of progressives who are actively involved in all the screaming, yelling, punching, and tearing down of monuments is very, very small.  It cannot be otherwise.  Millions of people are still going to work, going to church, raising families, going shopping, having social events, taking vacations, and otherwise acting like normal Americans while all this hooroar*** is going on.  The Resistance isn’t getting much traction among the common folk, because the common folk have lives and jobs and plans for the future that don’t include dystopian Big Brother government.

The screaming fits and the violence threatened and perpetrated against conservative lawmakers and citizens alike is the thrashing of a beast that has found itself stuck in a trap of its own making.  The trap is the progressive conceit that only progressive elites know what is best for the “little people,” who aren’t capable of thinking for themselves (made clear by the fact that so many people consider progressive ideas to be little more than pie-in-the-sky bullshit).

But like any beast caught in a trap, the progressives are still dangerous.  And that’s why we should be worried.  Things are crazy enough now, with actual lawmakers advocating with straight faces the end of the rule of law.  They scoff at due process.  They want to throw the borders open and abolish ICE.  They support so-called sanctuary cities and refuse to let local police assist the Feds.  They want all US citizens beholden to the great god Government, from whom they believe all blessings emanate.  They want to control where you go to school, how much health care you get, whether or not you can drive a car, and just about everything else down to levels of privacy invasion the Russian Communists only dreamed of and the Chinese variety are putting into daily use.  Do you want the government to maintain a database of “social credit” that establishes your reputation and status as a citizen?  The Chinese will have that implemented by 2020, or so they say.  Our progressives would love such a system.  It would make it so easy to determine who got food, water, housing, clothing, education, transport…passports…and don’t even think about having a gun under a system like that.

The problem with a Republic is that we have to be vigilant in order to keep it.  Americans have largely laid down on that job for the past century and let government have its way.  A lot of Americans are finally waking up to the idea that we’re going to have to do something about it, or lose our freedoms altogether.

Not to dwell on the Kavanaugh nomination, but this is a critical time in our history.  The Supreme Court shouldn’t be this important, but because of the continuing inroads progressives are making into turning the US into another shitty little third-world country, someone has to have the sanity to say no.  A Court divided 4 to 4 plus a swing vote nobody can depend on is not how this is supposed to work.  If we have any hope of returning to Constitutional government, the Court needs to have thoughtful jurists on the bench who can read the text of the Framers’ document and derive judgement from its plain meaning.  We have had enough of penumbras and emanations, and of a “living” Constitution whose meaning changes with the wind.

And yet, the Court has often indicated its unwillingness to save Americans from themselves and legislate from the bench, instead of forcing the peoples’ representatives to do their jobs and write cogent and Constitutional law.  Can you blame the Justices?  We started out in 1789 with a user’s manual for a country that made clear what the government could do and what it could not do.  And we’ve let the government get away with murder ever since.

Progressives who do not want to see conservatives get a solid 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court would like to keep getting away with murder.  Sometimes literally.  And that’s why you should worry.

And maybe — just maybe — we’ve finally woken up to the idea that it’s time to put an end to that, and stop worrying so much about the future.

November 6 is coming.  Will you do your duty?


* The quote is generally attributed to Tom Wolfe, but apparently Wolfe was either quoting or paraphrasing Jean-François Revel.

** Before you tell me what a bad man I am not to automatically believe a woman when she cries rape, my wife is a rape victim.  She went immediately to police and made out a report and submitted to a rape kit examination.  She testified at the rapists’ (there were two) trial.  They went to prison for raping not only her, but another woman as well.  Case closed.  This was only a few years after Christine Blasey Ford thinks she might have been raped or molested or maybe even just looked at lasciviously by Brett Kavanaugh.  I assure you that my wife remembers quite well what happened to her, where it happened, and when it happened.  Conversely, I don’t believe a word CBF says, because even if something did happen 35 years ago, she’s spent so much time and effort repressing the memory that anything she says today about it would have to be suspect.

*** A word I will swear I learned reading Walt Kelly’s Pogo comic, but I can’t find a reference to same.


Kavanaugh won because he fought back. Kavanaugh won because he was unwilling to suffer from the ritual defamation of the Left. He broke free from the traditional advice administration handlers give nominees — to be deferential and measured to the senators — and went after the Democrats and his opponents for what they were.

J. Christian Adams

Now, if the Republicans would all grow spines like Lindsey Graham did, we’d be in a lot better shape.  The takeaway message here is that the Democrats will stop at nothing to regain power, and when they do, that will be a very, very bad day in American history.