Love in a time of suckage

Yeah, I stole the title from John Ringo.  Who, by the way, has a great Facebook note up today about how even if Pence is a gay hater (which I frankly don’t believe, so let’s get that out of the way), he’s not the President. Trump is.  And even if Trump hadn’t already made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t give a particular damn who you sleep with, or who you worship (or not), or what color your skin is, “Trump has to have money to open Buchenwald.”  Which ain’t gonna happen.

Election’s over.  Conservatives are trying to get back to real life.  Liberals — particularly the radical progressives, but also the mush-brained college students and other camp followers — are freaking out, throwing tantrums, and wreaking property damage and other non-trivial forms of dissent in our cities.  In other words, business as usual.

And these are the people who were pissed when Trump said he wouldn’t automatically accept the results if he lost.

Jesus, people.  Your candidate CONCEDED.  She took too long to do it, but she still did it.  And Obama met with Trump yesterday for like 90 minutes, and the White House didn’t implode.

You say that we’re gloating.  (This is clearly a talking point, because I’m seeing it used everywhere by disgruntled leftards.)  Folks, we’re not gloating.  We’re just relieved.  What you’re calling gloating — which it isn’t — is simply what happiness tinged with distrust looks like.  Because we don’t trust him, either.

Most of us are actually being pretty nice about the whole thing, much as we were pretty nice about the two Obama elections — the argument wasn’t over his election, the argument since he was elected has been over the disastrous policies he set into place that we’re now watching disintegrate in slow motion, taking the economy and our lives with it.  Sure, we were pissed off that he parlayed his race and a general weariness with the war the Republicans had gotten us into (which is a fallacy in and of itself — Bill Clinton had Osama bin Laden’s head on a silver platter and chose to ignore him) into a sympathy vote for our First Black President.  Well, hell, I thought we already had that with Bill Clinton, but what do I know.

I would not have had a problem with our First Black President if he hadn’t made everything about race, after protesting throughout his campaign that he was the only candidate who could effect racial healing over the nation.  Not only was that bullshit, it was recognizable bullshit from the first time it crawled out of his mouth.

The would-be First Woman President claimed that she would do great things for women.  I guess.  Because most of what she advocated would actually harm them.  Expanding the ACA.  Australian Ban gun control.  Raising taxes.  You name it, none of these would have been good for women — or for men, either, but that obviously was the sub-text of her entire campaign.  And then there were the criminal investigations swirling around her.  Benghazi.  Clinton Foundation.  Pay-for-play at State.  All this shady shit going all the way back to her cattle futures windfall and the death of Vince Foster…and the mysterious deaths of other people who seemed to have failed her.  (Shades of Vladimir Putin.)  Yet none of this was enough to sway her true believers…even when they weren’t hers in the beginning.  (Anyone remember Bernie Sanders?)

Look, I was an early NeverTrumper — you can search this blog and find references to it, I’m not going to disappear them.  I’m still proud that I was a NeverTrumper, but once Cruz was eliminated, it made absolutely no sense to remain a NeverTrumper.  Yet, I know NeverTrumpers who wasted their votes on Gary Johnson.  Sure, in Indiana, it didn’t matter, Trump was going to win no matter what.  But look at the difference in the popular vote, with Trump still lagging Hillary, and tell me that the NeverTrumpers who stuck to their guns aren’t at least partially responsible for all the “dump the Electoral College” bullshit that’s flying around out there today.

Goddamn motherfuckers.  Grow the fucking fuck up.  This is real life, not just politics.  You are fucking with the lives of real people.

The video flying around Facebook today with the Brit who unloads on the left and blames them for Donald Trump is absolutely right the fuck on target.  Oh, here we go.

We get the candidates we deserve, and when one of them figures she’s entitled and can’t be beaten, and apparently doesn’t even manage to get the Democrat vote fraud machine up out of low gear, we end up with the guy on the other side who won a bunch of open primaries that were stacked by non-Republicans who were hoping he’d be nominated because he’d be “easy” for her to beat.

I hope conservatives and NeverTrumpers were watching that video, too.  Because you flip some names and parties, and he’s talking to US, too.  WE don’t engage, either.  We go and vote for single issues just like the other side.  I voted for Trump primarily because Hillary was threatening to confiscate guns and emasculate the 2nd Amendment by appointing Supreme Court justices and other judges who would rule in her favor on gun cases like Heller.  Fuck the rest of it, you take the guns away, and we’re just Europe.  Take guns away and we are no longer free.  I’ve quoted the H. Beam Piper thing from Space Viking on this blog before, but it boils down to, “If your ballots aren’t secured by bullets, then your elections are a farce, and your freedom is an illusion.”  And you can believe that or not, but goddamnit, prove to me it’s not true before you wave it off in disgust.  And you can’t prove it, because disarming the population prior to enslaving or exterminating them has happened throughout human history.

Jesus, what a pack of assholes we ALL are in this country.  I sure hope we haven’t fucked ourselves with Trump.  Early returns suggest we might have lucked out.

The bitch about the future is we haven’t been there yet.  There are no reports from the front lines to help guide us.

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