Fuck the goddamn Arabs. Fuck them up the ass. With pig lard for lube.

hallelGolda Meir was wrong.  There will be peace with the Arabs only when the Israelis finally get fed up with Hamas and wipe Gaza off the map, then pivot north and do the same with Hezbollah in Lebanon, and then dare the mullahs in Iran to do something about it.

Leaving them alone and hoping they will change doesn’t work.  They have been continually radicalized by their “leaders” and can’t be negotiated with.  They understand only death.  (I nearly said “the code of the warrior”, but these serpents are not warriors — they are cowardly murderers who slither through the night on their bellies, sneak into peaceful homes, and kill innocent children in the name of their false prophet, pigs be upon him.)

Islam will be a religion of peace only when its radicals are dead, its Koran is redacted, and its people are reeducated and civilized.